That’s annoying, it’s happened a lot to me as well. Try to see it as encouraging, as you obviously are doing RC’s while you’re dreaming, sooner or later it will work and you will realize you’re dreaming. Keep at it.
SAM: “Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt. That’s the first thing they teach you.”
VINCENT: “Who taught you?”
SAM: “I don’t remember. That’s the second thing they teach you.”
Sone things that might help
When you do an RC make sure that you do the following:
Ask yourself “am I dreaming”
Think about what would be different in the RC if you were dreaming. For the pokeing your hand, say to yourself “If I were dreaming, then my finger would go through my hand”
Think about why you are doing an RC right now. Was it something that you see a lot in dreams? Was it something that happend that makes you think you might be in a dream?
Ask yourself “How did I get here? What was I just doing?” Try to retrace what you did to get there.
All these things can help to let your SC know that you want to become lucid, and help you to recognizing that you are dreaming.
thank you
RCs have failed for me too
In fact, I don’t probably use any RCs except the light switch one (it’s really working great).
If I realize I am dreaming, it’s usually by chance. But when I realize it, I just usually know it.
The times I tried the “do I see my nose” test I did always see it.