Does anyone know where I can find some trance inducing drum sounds online? Or any kind of trance inducing software? Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?
I was listening to an epiosode of Coast to Coast on the topic of shamanism. They played a very short exerpt of a trance inducing drum sample. As I focused on the sounds and my thoughts, I felt myself beginning to shift into a trance state. Unfortunately the exerpt was very short and it cut off right away. Now I really long to find an extended version of this sound sample.
You could get some composer software and compse tracks yourself! I’m sure there must be places online you can download demo programs, they’ll do for this. Happy trancing!
Apparently any drum beats over about 160bpm can induce a trance, so with composer software you could build up other instruments etc on top and experiment! I might try it some time
Check out Aphex Twin, i heard he uses special devicies to create his music*brainwave generators?), and i think some cd’s were made to induce LD’s. never worked for me, but sounded really intresting. Virginpusher was trying this experiment, but i havent heard back from her to see what results she had.
Other then that, i think brainwave generators is the only thing i can think your asking about. o-well
Here is a great site, its called Birds Lucid Dreaming. He is a Lucid dreamer and has created allot of good brainwave entrainment CDs. They are modestly priced and worth a look…
if that is true download some old school jungle/ragga jungle music that is about 160-175 bpm. It does have basslines and occasional vocals if that doesn’t spoil it.
Have you listened to/experiemented with any of those Lucid CD's from "bird's" website? if you have how did you like it? did they work well or at all? i'd like to know because if any of the reviews on the site are true then it seems those CD's are almost a sure-fire shortcut to LD's.
Ive been looking for proper drum sounds too,tho for purpose of holotropic breathing(theres a post about it somwhere-search for holotropic or holographic) but couldnt find any "clean"ones-that is without a vocal at all.
So if anyones got the proper link id appreciate it:)