At this site, it has a wav file that they say will induce a trance within 5-10 minutes. I haven’t been able to try it, because my computer isn’t in my room, I don’t have a pair of working headphones, and I’d have to borrow my brother’s CD player if I were to transport it to a CD (in other words, that’s a definite no go).
i downloaded it,
and in order to get it to work right, you need winamp 3, because normal winamp actually pauses for a lil bit just before it repeats the 5 second .wav file,
but with winamp 3, it is like a continuous loop without that little pause that winamp does before switching to a different track on the playlist
– you need crossfade OFF for that
well., i tried it,… and i admit, i am pretty sleepy
but… i usually go to bed around this time… so its kind of a bias there,
but i made a good few typos that i had to correct as i went along while typing this post,. so that proves that i’m a bit more dozzy than usual…,
… but… i DID have a long, messed up day today.,
hmmm… too much bias for me to be sure if it worked,… but it was alrite styll…
Didn’t do a thing for me. But my roommate was typing really loudly, so that may have interferred. I may give it a try this weekend when I’m at home in my own room with my own bed in the dark with no insomniac roommate. I just wanna poke his eyes…
I tried it out, it was a nice peaceful noise that put me to sleep, just like a whirring fan or the constant rumble of an air conditioner does… so what’s so special about this file? The site claims that it rapidly pans. Ok, I threw it into soundforge and had a look at the wave, and I don’t notice any panning even when zoomed way in. Then I played the right and left channels seperately, and I didn’t hear any pulsing in the volume, which would indicate panning (I did this with a nice set of headphones). It’s a cool idea, and I wonder if it works, but I think this wave file is rubbish. Anyone know of a good place to get a better/real auditory trance file?