Trance State.. then what?

ive been practicing getting into a trance state where I am awake and aware but my body feels strange and tingly, sometimes twitchy or absent and completely relaxed. Its a nice state of being. Although some thoughts flood in, it feels very nice.

Long story short, now that I have some practice into getting into this state. What kind of fun stuff can I do with it?

Best Regards,

Hypnotize yourself with autosuggestions while in trance!
Positive affirmations only; that means
you CANNOT say
“I will STOP smoking” or “I will NOT masturbate”
but you CAN say
“I WILL lucid dream tonight(hint hint)” or “My desire to masturbate is under control”

Oh yeah try to be specific.

I’ve got no idea what to do besides this, although I know trance is supposed to be useful…