Transform bodies as a reminder to stay lucid!

So this is very high level, but if you set your mind to it, this’ll be easy!
Find any DC, and go into their body. Male or female, although I’d say stick to your gender because-- yeah, it’s complicated.
Then, your old self is not you, well now you are looking at your old self beside you. This will serve as a constant reminder that you are dreaming if you keep your old self as a companion beside you throughout the dream.
Now, you can walk a mile in another person’s shoes! :happy:
On how to get into their body?
Here’s a good method to visualize…
Find your character you would like to switch with. Then, stare into their soul… You have done this to someone before, but do it intensely. You should try and incubate some force that is pulling you forward, and you will be sucked out of your body into theirs.
Dream well!
It might be a shock to see yourself from a different POV, I mean out of your body, but it will also be really cool and fool-proof! :smile:

Hahah, this is awesome I have to say!

I think this is doable, it would really be awesome to see yourself standing right next to you from another persons perspective.

Great idea!

Don’t know if you watched Tron Legacy (awesome movie, btw) but first thought which came to me was the scen at the end of the movie with Flynn and Clu. If you watched you know about, if not I don’t wanna spoil the movie… :grin:

That is a very interesting idea. In fact, one of the first replies I even received on LD4all described this technique, in 2000.

Have you done this? Did you experience the other DC’s memories?