yes. I am only attracted to females, even though I also want to be a female. So, technically I am a lesbian. I’m just stuck as a male! I enjoy having my “freind” down “there” and I would probably not have that removed. I just want to take female hormones which would make my body start sending fat and skin to areas that it goes on females. For example: my hips would widen, and eventually I would probably grow…yes…breasts! It seems scary, but in reality it is basically like forcing your body to slowly mutate into female form. Once the change has fully taken place (which can be from 2 to 5 or more years) your body looks convincingly like a females. Most true transexuals also have surgery to alter thier “part” and make it like that of teh sex they wish to be. Anyway, I won’t bore you with the details. The point is: I love girls, but I also want to be one.
(You love them so much you want to be one of them)
That’s my opinion.
And Minako, how would you like a big fat thing that says “hey, look at me!” every time you’re horny? Terrible! But I have found that a certain meditation (that thing where you transfer “energy” from one part to another of your body) helps it “calm down” unfortunately I can’t be distracted too much and I can’t have much (besides clothes…) in contact with the little bugger! But it does get it down unusually fast. Useful in many situations.
If I could choose again, I’d be a female (but a lesbian)!
Oh yeah, I’m gonna do that as soon as I can lucid dream well. Bring on the lesbian-ism. But first to find a dream guide…
a female dream guide…
Dude if there was a transgender icon I would totally use it (note that I didn’t pick one).
I like my body and who I am but I don’t feel like I fit anywhere in this culture at all (or any that I’ve seen really…) People look at me like “uh what is that thing,” or “it’s a shame.” It’s kind of weird. I don’t know what I’m talking about I guess I’m in a bad mood but anyway…
It’s fun to have weird sex dreams where the normal human body parts just become really weird things like a penis that looks like a plant or something. I wonder if anyone else has those dreams?
Ok that was all really off topic just ignore it.
That’s almost too bad invisigoth, since you look great as a man… but if it’s your wish and you’d feel better looking as a woman, then good luck to you!
Infection: yeah, I thought you had that in mind when you said annyoing But still, think of all the problems you’d have as a woman!
So now all the guys want to be female lesbians? Soon there’ll be only females around and I’ll have to become a lesbian if I’ll wish to be with someone… I sure wouldn’t like that to happen! I’d never choose a girl if I can be with one of all these great looking guys with their (maybe a bit annoying for them, but not at all annoying me) ‘things’ down there
But then, I don’t have to worry about that actually happening, do I? I guess there’s only a small percentage of this kind of people (I hope )
I guess I should post here, being the only one with anything that even resembles expertise.[/modest]
Anyway, I’ve always wanted to be a female. I suppose you could call me a self-diagnosed transsexual. 'Nuff said about that. There’s no need to go into my life history, seeing as how it is ultimately depressing.
About the dream stuff. I never had much success “morphing” into anything. I guess I just don’t have enough control over my dreams. But I’ve found what’s really effective for me is thinking about something before I actually fall asleep. So if I want to be female in a dream then I will make a point to think about what it feels like before I fall asleep. Of course, if you don’t know what it feels like then that could be a problem. I suppose you could think about something feminine, or something.
Of course, most of the changes are subtle. I’ve found that being female in a dream isn’t dramatically different from being male. Of course, that’s when you aren’t aroused…
Not me!
Smart man. I’d like to see how many guys would actually remain a lesbian if they were given the chance. If the experience were 100% accurate, including periods and all those goodies, my guess would be less than 5%
Hey, hey, stop arguing and experience the best of both worlds in lucid dreams!
Now that I’ve got my goodies, I don’t think I can bear to give them up. Plus I wouldn’t want to be harassed by all those homophobes. All the more reason to lucid dream.
It took me about a minute to get what your username meant, VeryGnawty. Heh heh. Welcome to the forum.
Thanks Minako! I think you look very cute yourself Whatever gender I end up, I find you attractive. Right now I am enjoying being a male. I still have half a year of art school left. After that I will get my career going and if I still feel the way I do then, that’s when I will “make the change.” So, all the ladies in the world still have half a year to convince me to remain male, if that’s what they want! laugh
verygnawdy> why are you so aggressive about transexuality? I’ve noticed alot of people with anything related to “gender dysphoria” act like they own exclusive feelings about it, and that no one else knows what they are talking about. I know you’ve suffered alot, but why act like no one else feels the same way? We are in this together. I wish people did not instinctively oppose others before trying to have common understanding. Don’t be angry please!
Good boy!
Yeah, I think so too
I didn’t realize that I was being aggressive.
Is this surprising? I come into contact with a lot of guys who say they want to be a lesbian so they can screw other lesbians (yes, they use that terminology) and so they can feel on their own breasts. The reality is that they probably haven’t put much thought into what it would actually be like to have breasts, or a vagina for that matter. Or, if you prefer, a shorter explanation is available via my handy-dandy formula:
transsexual + someone with flippant attitude about sex = upset transsexual
This formula is almost always accurate, since sexual matters rank extremely high on the transsexual’s priority list (extremely high = top, priority = life or death).
for me though, it is about feelings. I was just mentioning sexual matters on the forum and only in the context of LDs. In RL I would want the feminine body in order to feel like myself. Besides, I do not claim to be transexual. I claim to be androgynous (or what some people call “transgendered”) That means I am a little bit usure of which sex I am. I want to be female, but I don’t think I want to have SRS, which most true transexuals would want. That’s why I am one of those “middle” people. And I have a little bit of time to think about things, so until I am sure of what I want, I will continue to dabble in and out of feelings related to BOTH sexes.
You could also try splitting into two separate persons and make one of them male and other one female.In theory its possibile to became two at the same time,it only needs gender change now.
Sorry if i repeat something i missed in above posts.
Whoa, periods. Never considered those. But seriously, can they really alter you THAT much??!! It’s just a little of a month, but the little dude never tires (actually it does, but not often)
I don’t get Jack’s post, but in relation to VeryGnawty’s post, I can imagine the vagina. Hmmm does it ever get cold in there… But I can’t imagine the breasts. Lucid dream idea! I’m proud to say I refused dream sex in this morning’s lucid dream (I got jumped on by this girl I was staring at inadvertently at school…) and instead went off looking for a dream guide, unsuccessfully. Oh well. Took a gamble and lost, eh? Completely forgot about the sex change thing… but heck I’ve got better things to do.
Yes, I’d like to have the body of a woman for at least one day, or maybe a week to experiment.
Ok i explain once more.
First you just try splitting…being two at the same time.But you make one of yous a female.Thats it.|Then you go with the situation how you like it:)
I’m not a “classical transsexual” by any means. Even within the TS there are multiple, often conflicting, factions. I call myself a transsexual more for the literal value of the word than the medical community does. I don’t like the word “transgendered” because for me gender is pretty much a non-issue.
I don’t want to get too far off-topic, but I want to say a few (ok, more than a few) words about the hostility issue. It’s what I like to call the Unwritten Law of Aspiring Transgenders. Yes, I realize how ironic the name is. You can laugh now. The Unwritten Law of Aspiring Transgenders is a code. The code mostly states that we look out for ourselves. In other words, transgenders help other transgenders. Who are transgenders? We don’t know. To answer this question, we test people. Anyone who even REMOTELY seems like they may be transgendered are tested for their seriousness and dedication. So when my friend jokingly talks about wanting to be a lesbian, I treat it as if he were being serious, because he may be serious under the jokes. I press him, and get him to think about being female, so that if he really is transgendered, he will at least have thought about the issue and hopefully will make better decisions when the time for action is at hand.
In conclusion, “hostility” is often times a method used to discover who is serious about being transgendered, and who is just joking around.
I’m a little confused about being 2 people at once. Wouldn’t that be confusing? I don’t see the need for it. Couldn’t you just be male in a dream and then switch to female in the same (or a different) dream? I would think that your memory of the previous experience would be enough to decide which way you want to swing, without actually having to worry about comparing 2 different bodies simultaneously.
The site has some files for that purpose… I don’t think I would try them though…
that website scares me! lol I have actually screened ( i don’t trust that guy) and used some of the files. The ones that just bring you under are simple enough, and they are safe to listen to. I enjoyed them because I have never been fully taken into a trance state. It works just like it’s supposed to if you trust the guys annoying voice. You just go under and hear what he says. You don’t realy move much, and you feel very “tingly” and relaxed. At the end of all teh files he counts you back up to a waking state. It’s interesting because right when he says 3 or four your eyes open but you still can’t move, and then when he gets to 5 and says you are fully awake it’s like all of teh sudden you can move and everything!