transgender and gay people experiencing lucid dreaming? i seem to be very advanced at lucid dreaming since i was a child and i am wondering if there is a corelation? for your infor, i am a preop male to-female, 46 yrs old
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i started experiencing being transgender (male-to-female) as a child along with very lucid dreaming and precognition. i was always a female in my dreaming, yet wake up male. now in my 40’s i am transitioning (spending most of my waking life as a tg female) and finding my lucid dream world and waking life only has a thin veil i walk thru like walking into another room. is anyone else experiencing this control? and development.
Well I don’t think gender has a relation to how well you lucid dream or how oftne you do. I think it’s all based on how perceptive you are of the world around you and how easily you notice things out of the ordinary. There was an experiment on these boards a while ago I think about gender/age/etc and frequency of LDing, I don’t remember the results, you could search for that and maybe it’ll answer your questions.
I don’t think that there would be a correlation between gender and LD ability. Maybe males would feel less inclined to share their Dreams with others than women, but that’s really all I can come up with. Maybe there could be something in brain chemistry that causes a difference.
[Slightly edited]
I personally don’t think there is any difference between males and females (or any other gender) when it comes to dreams/lucidity. There is only a very very small difference in the physical make up of a male’s and female’s brain. (Discovered in Lab mice) I highly doubt that would effect their dreams.
Your post makes me think about the Archetypes that Carl Jung wrote about manty years ago.
In the Archetype theory, the hermafrodtie being is the central theme. A male nor female. While children are developing in the womb they are first of no sexe, later a ‘choice’ is made.
When this happens, Jung states, the half of a person is left. And in the life that person leads the ‘search’ for the other part is very important.
In dreams, we can dream about our Anima of Animus, the male or female part we have lost. These dreams are not personal dreams but are experienced by a lot of people throughout the ages and are a very important part of some Mythologies.
So I would say that dreams are THE theater for experiences of gender, lost gender, transgender and the search of ‘completing one’s soul’.
Ive never been a female version of myself in my dreams. But I am often in the body of other people. Either random people made up in my head or real people.