I need help translating this song into other languages.
If you are bilingual and would like to help, I’d appreciate if you could translate it into your language, or improve one of the other translations posted above.
Oh, this will be hard… I’ll try to translate it into finnish.
Olen Ipren - älykäs särkytabletti
kipuun ja kuumeeseen vastaan olen tehokas
kipua lievittävä, kuumeen allentava, olen Ipren, se on vaa’ älykkäst’
Minulla on tulehduksen ehkäiseviä ominaisuukia.
Hyvä lihassärkyyn, selkäsärkyyn ja nivelsärkyyn vastaan.
Yksi Ipren 400 mg autaa useimiten paremmin kuin
kaksi reseptivapaita pillereitä paracetimolla
kuten Alvedon päänsärkyyn, kuukautissärkyyn ja hammassärkyyn.
Olen Ipren - älykäs särkytabletti!
Ipren etsii itse mistä sinua sattuu.
Probably someone else will be able to do this better…
Why would you need a commercial translated?!
Whatever, I like tranlations…
Btw, I always wondered what that song by Gigi d’Agostino is about (was famous some years ago, with the simple comic videoclip, know which one?). Recently I was told it’s a senseless mixtures of different languages, is that right?
Back on topic
ich bin Ipren - das intelligente Schmerzmittel
ich wirke gegen Schmerz und Fieber
Schmerzmildern, Fiebersenkend, Ich Ipren, einfach intelligent
ich habe entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften,
gut gegen Muskelschmerzen, Rückenschmerzen und Gelenkschmerzen
eine vierhundert Miligram Ipren wirkt meist besser als zwei nicht-verschreibungspflichtige Paracetamol
zum Beispiel Alvedon für Kopfschmerzen, Menstruationsbeschwerden und Zahnschmerzen
Ich bin Ipren - das intelligente Schmerzmittel
Ipren findet heraus wo der Schmerz sitzt
Uhm, well, not such an exciting one. The sentence about Alvedon I didn’t get, but I just translated it
The only Gigi d’Agostino song I know of i “The Riddle”, which I think is in english. The video to that one was very simple, and I think it had a green background. Is it that one you’re talking about?
Hmm… I’ll try doing a portuguese translation, but don’t expect it to be perfect, ok?
Sou Ipren - o analgésico inteligente.
Sou eficaz contra dores e febre.
Alivia dores, reduz a febre, sim, ipren é simplesmente inteligente.
Tenho propriedades anti-inflamatórias, bom contra dores nos musculos, nas costas e nas articulações.
Quatrocentas miligramas de um ipren geralmente ajuda mais que dois comprimidos livres de prescrição de paracetamol, por exemplo Alvedon contra dores de cabeça, menstruais e de dente.
Sou ipren, o analgésico inteligente!
Ipren encontra onde sua dor está!
Just a small note: i have no idea of what “alvedon” means, ok?
Alvedon is another pill, it’s like Aspirin, but the active substance is paracetamol instead of acetylsalicylic acid.
And then there’s Ipren, which contains Ibuprofen.
Here’s the song in French, but I’d be surprised if I didn’t make any mistakes.
Je suis ipren - le médicament analgésique intelligent
Je suis efficace contre le mal et la fièvre.
le fait de soulager douleur, la réduction de fièvre, oui ipren est simplement intelligent.
J’ai des propriétés antiinflammatoires,
bon contre le mal de muscle, la douleur dans le dos et le mal collectif.
Un quatre cents milligrammes ipren aide d’habitude mieux
que deux tablettes sans prescription avec paracetamol,
par exemple alvedon contre la migraine, le mal menstruel et le mal de dents.
Je suis ipren - le médicament analgésique intelligent!
-Ipren trouve où votre douleur est trouvée.
Soy ipren - el analgésico inteligente
Soy eficaz contra dolor y fiebre.
la relevación de dolor, reducir fiebre, sí ipren es simplemente inteligente.
Tengo propiedades antiinflamatorias,
bueno contra dolor de músculo, dolor de espalda y dolor conjunto.
Cuatrocientos miligramos ipren por lo general ayudan mejor
que dos pastillas sin prescripción con paracetamol,
por ejemplo alvedon contra dolor de cabeza, dolor menstrual y dolor de muelas.
¡Soy ipren - el analgésico inteligente!
Your translation “pain-relieving, fever-reducing” looks more like “the relieving of fever, the reduction of fever.”
It’s been a while since I studied french and spanish so I might be wrong?
Sono Ipren - l’ antidolorifico intelligente
sono efficace contro dolori e febbre.
Riduce il dolore, riduce la febbre, sì Ipren è semplicemente intelligente.
Ho proprietà antinfiammatorie,
buono contro dolori muscolari, dolori di schiena e dolori articolari.
Un Ipren da quattrocento milligrammi di solito fa meglio
di due compresse senza obbligo di ricetta di paracetamolo,
come Alvedon contro mal di testa, dolori mestruali e mal di denti.
Sono Ipren, l’ analgesico intelligente!