
Hey I think I know a great, and easy way to transport, or to congure up someone in a LD. Close your eyes while lucid, and visulize the person, or place, but dont open them just keep working with the scenary your minds eye is creating, and see if it works. Im going to try to visulize being in the ocen by visulizing it, and treding water. Try it, and let me know if it works. Remmber dont open your eyes. It might allso help to do some visual exsersises. Just see imagine something in as much detail as possible.

Moved from Quest for Lucidity.

To start with it might be easier to visulize being in a flat land like the desert, or on the moon.

I’ve done this once or twice, but usually only when the dream itself has begun to fade. I find closing my eyes leads to the dream shutting down, but as long as you keep your senses active so you don’t wake up I can’t see why it wouldn’t work.