Tree of Life

I’ve always enjoyed a nice glass of red wine :tongue:

My chakras are fine.

Yet even the drunkard gets his drunkenness from within himself not from the outside. The outside world cannot hurt us; we only have to save ourselves from ourself.

Gnosis I admire your wisdom

share about how our chakras became dysfunctional
tell me what you interpret the mark of the beast as meaning

i know in my own world, but my words that i originally wrote here, i think they would compromise peace of mind, and they are somewhat pessimistic

but i can say : advertising, jobs, paper, numbers.


As the Bible says:

Everyone wants to know who the “us” is when it is already clearly explained in the very next verse.

If God created man in his own image and if that image is male and female therefore the image of God also is male and female. Or spiritually speaking masculine and feminine; Since God is Spirit the image he made us is spiritual.

Our femininity are attributes of our humanity that show no aggression. Things like “Love, Compassion, Wisdom, etc.” Also, the side of our humanity that is most susceptible to sin due to being Trustworthy. Emotional.

The masculine side is our aggressive side of our human nature. The logical, calculating precisionist. Emotionless.

When Jehovah placed us in the garden as man (Adam) know that although we were in flesh we were still spiritually whole until…:

Most importantly notice:

This was no physical separation but a spiritual desynchronization of our masculine and feminine parts. What happened when our feminine self was no longer guided by her masculine self?:

We sinned. When Jehovah took the ‘woman’ out of man we became 666 instead of 777. Our feminine instead of being guided by masculine truth was guided by her own desire.

666, the mark of the beast, simply means humanity’s imperfect truine nature. Our imperfect mind, body and spirit.


I’m pretty sure it has something to do with banks, SSNs, electronics, technology, money, and societies, Rome being also under slavery to the beast, and this current world exceptionally so…

hence Christ sought to extricate people from working, called those who went back to the plow after hearing the Truth fools, and said to be like the birds and the lilies, fretting not over food, trusting God to feed them.

it is no surprise that those who work, rather than love, who evil, rather than live, have very low quality lives and are essentially dead, and the same as slaves
“let the dead bury their dead”
and that only those who are honest and wholesome are truly alive in this world right now, regardless of whether the honesty gives them a salary.
for a man cannot “serve two masters” , and when Man trusts Money, $, man ceases to trust that the Universe, God, is watching every honest deed, making sure they are fed, trivial, to think mere men that care not about your life can keep you alive, with their paperwork?

i went to a pet-shop and this girl looked like a zombie, she was so empty inside in so many ways, and sad, and hopeless, and I would have been Christ if I tried to help her and wake her up, and she, Mary.

incidentally it is money which causes all exploitation and dishoensty, for a man will trade his liberty for security, but security just means putting bars around your world-view to shut out the sun sky and trees
and putting up parking lots

it is when money is used that we settle for less than 777, and it is when it is worshiped by being trusted (which is why the $ instructs IN GOD WE TRUST, for those that can catch such things) that we then, so fully compromised, lose touch with compassion

wow! never knew that! its weird i had a dream sometime ago of eating from a root of a white twisted tree. but i think it was dead because it looked more like a driftwood than a normal wood. Anyways in the dream i felt i was presented with a rare opportunity and i was very happy.

wow! what interesting topic this is! Eyelids your views and Gnosis you two are so wise! i can spend the whole day reading your posts and learning something myself! :smile: