Hey guys…Long time no post… I actually had to make a new account
Oh well. You guys ever had a lucid dream that you ended up thinking that it wasnt after all?
I did…One dream, I was in my house (little different though) and i relized…“hey, I’m dreaming and I’ll prove it!” so I stuk out my hand to change the sky from dusk to day and… IT DIDN’T WORK!!! " Oh well, guess I’m not dreaming" and it went off into another turn of a plane crash…
Anyone ever had this problem?
The first time me RC’s passed, I convince myself that I wasn’t dreaming |(‘It’s too real to be a dream.’).
Another time a DC walked in and told me I wasn’t really dreaming (yeah, randomly, just like that). I took my RC’s and they told me I was awake. I was worried that I had nearly just ‘killed myself’ cos I was about to jump out my window.
I can imagine someone going lucid spontaneously and killing a lot of DCs. Then, after the killing, he/she decides to do a few RCs. And none of them works…
Yea, RC’s can often lead you to the wrong conclusion. When doing reality checks you really want to expect them to prove that you are dreaming. Fore example, if you use the reading something 2x RC you want to expect that the writing will change. I believe it is best to have this expectation every time you do a RC.
The same thing is true when you exercise your dream powers. You have to expect them to work.
Anyway, glad you are back
In some dreams, RC have’t worked in after I was lucid (in one LD, they all kept on failing, and I had trouble staying lucid because of it).
I can only do RC after i’m lucid, I never do them to become lucid. I don’t usually do them though. Last time I did, I just did them to see how the dream would be different from real life. I looked at my hands and one had 6 fingers and the other 10!
^me too. I sometimes need to do an RC later on just to reassure myself
Well, getting lucid from taking RC is a very weird feeling. You don’t get the certainty from when you just get lucid normally.
I know what you mean because I always do the same thing in my DILD. I just somehow know it is a dream I will then usually do an RC. When you think about it kind of makes a reality check irrelevant at this point. I already know I am dreaming. So why do I do a RC? It just seems to be a habit I got into.