Tring to get an LD

Hi i’m trying to get an LD but when i do i always fall asleep. and one i fastly felt asleep and then i dreamed that i walk down some stair and then i falled and woke up and my legs shook. :tongue:

I yesterday i tried to have WILD but i did not suceed, I laid down and relaxed and then i felt like the inside of me legs where starting to like fall down from me, and then my hand but after that i always fall asleep.

What shall i do to have a lucid dream, right now i’m testing to WBTB method.


welcome to ld4all njkk :wink:

Your legs feeling like they are falling is a good sign your on the right path. You can try to count in your mind, or count your breaths, to stay awake longer. You’ll get it with practice :smile:

and you can also try WILD + WBTB to increase your chances!

Good luck

WILD is one of the harder techniques and its not something i suggest for beginners. I haven’t tried much myself but no success with it so far :meh:

edit: yay post 200

should i do WILD befor or during the WBTB?

I tried it yesterday night and i felt aslepp :razz:, but before that i shaw like shadows of yellow an black, and dots, is this a good sign? :confused:

By the way, whats an DS ( Dream Sign ) ?

You do WBTB (get out of bed for a few minutes, turn on lights, wake up the mind) then when you go back to bed you try WILD :smile: The amount of time you stay up before going back to bed can help you not fall asleep (but you can also get a bit too awake!) experiment with different times if you don’t get it right :wink:

The dots are a good sign, yes! If you are able to keep watching them, passively, they should develop into more complex images until you’re in a LD!

a Dream Sign is anything that can make you realize it’s a dream. There are dream signs like when lights don’t work properly, which happens many times in dreams, but there are also personal dream signs, that’s one of the reasons we keep dream journals! After writing your dreams for some time you may notice you often dream about umbrellas, for example. Then everytime you see an umbrella you can do a RC since there’s a chance it’s a dream :happy:

ok, thanks for the answer, going to test WBTB + WILD tonight :razz: