Does anyone else have problems falling asleep on their backs? I’ve been trying to do WILD, but I cant fall asleep on my back (i even have a select comfort air mattress ). Any suggestions?
I can’t sleep on my back either.Im always on my side or stomach, if i try on my back i cant get sleep.
Uhmm, I can’t really sleep on my back either. If I roll onto my back during the night, I wake up with a backache. But I don’t see how this could stop you doing WILD. Can someone please explain? Have I missed something fundamental about WILD here?
you have to fall asleep to do WILD. not necessarily on your back though…as long as you’re comfortable i think it should work from what i’ve read.
When I was younger I used to only be able to sleep on my back, now I can only sleep on my side. I’ve never been able to sleep on my stomach because I can’t breathe that can’t be a good thing! I know many people think that you can LD better on your back, but I really and truely can’t, so I’m not going to worry about it
I cant sleep on my back either… only sides…
Most people seem to sleep on their sides, I guess i’m different. I usually fall asleep on my stomach, and wake up on my back. Ive tried WILD before but its not the back thing that keeps me awake, its me getting excited becasue I’m onto something.
Have the same “problem”, can’t fall asleep on my back. Though I doubt sleeping position is crucial for WILD. Could be very interesting to hear from the WILD-experts (not me ) if they have any troubles WILDing when sleeping on stomach or sides?
I think some explanation of the fact that WILD is usually on the back is that this is a position in which normal ppl dont fall asleep very fast. If you are too comfortable you cannot easily do WILD since you will fall asleep quite fast (at least i do). The point is you stay focussed while falling asleep which is probably easier on your back for this reason.
Hi Lonewolf^_^
You dont nessecerily have to fall asleep on your back if u want to do WILD. All u have to do is find a position in which u are comfortable enough and that u dont have to move from …at all until u fall asleep.
Good luck w/ WILD ^_~
i have trouple sleeping period lol, i uslly dont get much sleep like i go to bed like at 11 and wake up around 3 or 2 and just walk around, that was when we had school but i dont have to worry about that
I think the comment by Xertrov is valuable; you want to try WILDs in a position that you DON’T normally sleep in.
I usually sleep on my side. But first time I read about WILDs I sat down in a recliner chair and tried one. It worked for me the first time (I have a lot of beginners luck).
WILDs aren’t easy for most people to do, but I think the effort of trying has value even if you don’t do it.
I did a wild last year while sitting in the front seat of a car…so u dont have to lay down even to do a wild. Most important is your in a to u known relaxt and comfortable position. 4 me thats on my back…or sitting straight up.
But 4 someone else it could be on their stomach or on their side!
I did the wild then sitting straight up in the car, so i its not about position but about feeling relaxt in one.
lol Jeff! Now I’ll be able to do something during long boaring summer car trips! I’m looking foreward to having a LD this summer since I’ll have a lot of time, energy and sleep.
lol Charlottedreamer, i hope u have many wilds at boring car trips
did you have to put up with a lot of noise? 'Cause we’re driving halfway across the country in a week and it would be disasterous if I couldn’t have LDs. How DO you put up with the noise?
Lol infection hehe the car was not driving…it was standing still.
A friend was looking for where a house party was, and i stayed in the car, it was raining hard and we had only one umbrella. so he looked around where the party should be (open air house party) and i stayed in the car and was bored lol. So i tried to do a wild with the aid of meditation and breathing, and i entered, guess after 15 minutes or so a dream fully lucid. So sitting straight can be enough to wild. The fun part was that when my friend came back all soaked lol he asked…“Jeff, ehm sorry it took so long, where u bored?” what did u do?" lol, i said i meditated and then had a ld. He looked at me like i was an alien lol. Was funny!
Aww man I would have just said “How come you took so long! I was falling asleep back here!”
Anyway you people who can fall asleep without 2 hours and a perfect position on your bed are lucky
lucky you are
very lucky
D’ya think I could be able to do it on a car trip?
At least try infection
And let us now about your car lucid adventures
Yeah I will try, Jeff, but do you really think I should be the guy to ask to experiment? I mean, me being without LDs and all… I guess I could say “Whenever I bounce abruptly up and down for no reason, I am dreaming.”
When I bring my Lucid Dream CD into the car and play it people might get curious and use it… then they’ll think I’m nuts but oh well
Hey, since some beef jerkey is really hard to chew, would it be possible for them to induce vivid dreams because of the difficulty one has digesting them? We’ll have lots of beef jerkey in the car!