I am having trouble keeping my dreams stable and getting past my front door. I wake up get out of bed and I am ready for my lucid, then the dream starts to fade. I rub my hands frantically, only to wake up for real. I have tried spinning, I have tried running, I have even tried yelling at the dream to stablize.
Nothing works for me so far. I can get lucid almost every night when I want to, but i find it a dissapointment that I have a terrible time staying in them long enough for adventure.
What should I do, that i have yet to try? What should I focus on mentally in the dream. I would try to contact my dream guide Yoda, but he might say what he said last time “The answer is within you.” Sorry Yoda, but I lack the ability to waste severa dozen lucid dreams trying to find it within me.
I had a same problem not so long ago and how I solved it? I don’t know. It was gone all by itself. I guess that the answer is within you. I guess you need to let go this disappointment and fear of not be able to stay in a dream.
Do you usually have feeling once you realized that you are in a dream that it’s going to fade just this second, do you have a thought like: ok, now I’m in a dream and this is all going to end, I’m gonna wake up. That was my mental “state” in a dream when I had this problem, I was maybe unconsciously expecting a dream to fade and it faded!
Just try to be more phlegmatic toward this problem and I think it’s going to fade…
In one of the few times iv’e been lucid i felt my dream starting to fade. I held on to some grass and in the dream the wind started to blow really hard, but i managed to keep myself from being blown away, and i was able to continue my dream lucid.
Another time i felt my dream fading, so i spun around in circles till i stayed in the dream. All the DC s looked at me like i was a weirdo but i managed to stay dreaming
After having many (and I mean MANY) LD’s that ended too soon I started getting into that mindstate, unfortunately, and that doesn’t help at all. I’d get lucid and think “ok, let me do something before I wake up” and I’d wake up. Or “hey, I’ve been in this LD for a while” and I’d wake up. Or even “don’t wake up don’t wake up don’t wake up” and, of course, I’d wake up.
I used to think that getting too excited and not being able to control my emotions wasn’t the problem… but this desperation and hurry… that’s just uncontrolled emotions! I’m still working on this problem, getting better slowly, but I think I’m finally making some progress.
So “rubbing hands frantically” probably won’t work if you are doing it frantically You can maybe try to rub your hands while taking deep breaths and trying to remain calm and focused, focusing on your senses so you don’t lose touch with the dream world. Many times my dreams seem so “shallow” that I don’t even have time to think about this and they are already fading…
That’s why I’m trying to stop at the very beginning of every lucid dream. Stop with everything I’m doing, especially if the lucid dream was wake induced then this initial control and awareness is even higher so this task should be easier, right? But the experience thought me wrong, like you said desperation and hurry usually prevail.
I thought if I can stop in a dream, not moving, not wanting to create something or see someone I could put those emotions in order, within the dream and even in WL, then my dreams should be more stable, vivid and life like.
I proved to myself that it’s possible and that it’s working but it’s very hard for me to do that… Harder then creating something amazing and totally unreal…
This is actually a good theory, I might try this once I actually start having lucid dreams again.
As for not being able to stay in lucid dreams, the first time I started having LD’s, I had this issue. The dream would last for a few seconds, and my world would slowly begin fading like someone just shot me up with morphine. Incredibly frustrating, but there’s not much you can do about it once it starts happening. At least, in most situations.
Unless you can completely black out all thoughts and concentrate on seeing the world around you and solidifying that vision, rubbing your hands doesn’t accomplish immediate results, as far as what I can see. Testing might prove otherwise, but the mind is relative to each person. If you truly want to stay in your dreams longer, focus less on the adventure and more on the studying of each dream-state you enter. As you become studious of the area’s you find yourself in, the more I think you’ll find the environment around you more vivid and more “sane”, allowing for easier immersion.
Try it out, I’d be interested in hearing the results.
This is one of my favorite articles on the subject: Lucid Dreaming, the Crucial First 30 Seconds. Hope it helps! It’s more about modulating emotion in a lucid dream, in case getting too excited is part of the problem (which is what it sounds like to me, if your rub your hands together frantically.) If it’s something like your lucidity being linked to approaching the waking state, though, I’m less sure…