Its only been one night, but usually i can remmeber my dreams real well and last night before i went to sleep i told myself to remember… over again a few times and then drank half the glass of water like the tip said on this site. I woke up this morning and had no memory whatsoever of my dream. I know i dreamed though, it actually felt like the memory was on the tip of my tongue but it just wouldnt come out. Hmmmm strange.
Would it help if i recorded my voice on my computer, Saying “Tommorrow when you awaken you will remember your dream and will write it down instantly” i have software that could loop it over to fit an 80 min CD and then i could play it as i drift off to sleep. Just a thought, lemme know THANX
After some time it really becomes a habit.I cant remember the morning without first thing on my mind “what was my dreams about?”.Recall still has its ups and downs but in general it stays on same level.
I dont really have to keep my dream diary now but i do for two reasons-
one is to prevent dry spells.I dont know how well it prevents it,its just precaution
second is my personal likes.Its just excellent trip back in time going through your dreams after half a year or so,see what the dreams might have been telling me,see dreamsigns i wasnt aware at the time,see how the evolve…its diary:)
so i read that if you set your alarm clock to ring two hours before you normally wake up then you will interupt a dream and the recall will be more plentifull and clear… this definitely seems logical. anyone else try it before/