I understand WILD to be falling asleep thinking about LD ing.
But whenever I fall asleep my mind has to wander because if it doesn’t I get to a point where my breathing slows down and I feel like I am suphocating and the part of my brain that react to suphocation is still awake. If my mind wanders, this part of my brain is shut off. Do you have any recomendations to overcome this or is my conception of WILD wrong or something?
U have got WILD a bit wrong. WILD is when u “stay awake” intill your body fall asleep and u began to dream… u have to think about some think that make your mind awake.
What u described is a MILD. Read over the Big WILD topic. Maybe it will help you to understand what WILD is.
WILD sounds more like halucenations
And what do you think dreams are?
WILD is when your mind stays awake while your body falls asleep. Then you can enter a dream consciously… easier said than done A lot of people get hallucinations (or HI) when they use WILD.
Hmm, ww3ace i think that you do have the general idea of WILD down, though you didnt really describe it so im not sure.
By your mind having to wander, you mean falling asleep and your mind wandering into an ND, right? You see imagery here, but better put its more like you saw it, not being lucid?
But, if you keep your mind still you end up reaching a point which sounds VERY MUCH like SP. I dont know for sure what you mean by ‘part of my brain that react to suffocation is still awake’ but i would assume that you thus wake, because of this?
If all that is the case, it sounds like the onset of SP is causing you to wake up. This too happens to me sometimes still, and i have been SP’ing (hehe) for years. Eventually, you will get used to it, sometimes not even notice it, and then you’ll reach strong-enough-HI from which you can easily pull a WILD.
Hope that was insightful. Good luck! If i am waaaay off, ignore the advice, but keep the good luck.