Trying to WILD, is this good?

If u read this, please try and answer my question at the bottom :smile: I would really like to know what I experienced :smile:

Last night I was trying WILD. The thought of meditating crossed my minds. I lyed in bed, closed my eyes and put my finger and my thumb together. I don’t know anything about meditating but I believe that process will give u new fresh energy(correct me if i’m wrong :content: ) Anyway, after a while I felt that I had lost the feeling in my hands, it felt almost like they were floating 5-10cm above the bed. I tried koncentrating on getting my whole body to feel that way. I began with my arms and I kind of talked myself in to that they were floating, just like my hands. This was much harder but I didn’t stop trying. Finally, without a warning, I felt that I had lost the feeling of my whole body. Suddenly, I got a feeling that someone, a man, was standing right next to my bed. It was like I lied under my bed and saw a leg taking a step so the person stood next to my bed. I was lying still but suddenly I got a really weird feeling in my body, u know, when u’ve been sitting on your foot too long and haven’t got any blood, it feels like 1 billion ants are crawling on it. The feeling just showed up out of nowhere. I started breathing very fast and it was loong deep breaths. It was a really uncomfortable feeling so I tried to think of something which could make me get lucid. I started focusing on flying and I picture my self flying with my arms out. This didn’t make it any less uncomfortable. I decided to open my eyes, since it was a creepy feeling. As soon as I opened them, the feeling dissapeared but I was all sweaty. I did a RC and it failed, I wasn’t dreaming. I closed my eyes and I decided I wanted to sleep. But suddenly, the feeling came back. But this time it came from the head and it moved down to my chest, when it had reached the chest I made the feeling go away, this time I did it by my mind. I once again closed my eyes and tried to sleep. When I felt really tired and I knew I were close to sleeping the feeling showed up again! I made it dissapear but it was like it wanted me to accept it cause it showed up over and over. I, who thought it was such a creepy feeling, never accepted it. Finally, I decided to just accept it and see what happens, I guess I realised that it could be something awesome! It showed up but in a much smaller version. Finally, I started thinking of other stuffs and I went asleep

Anyone else ever had this who could tell me what it was?

btw, I never heard any noises, except my own loud breathing.

That sounds like SP, or something close to it. Many times SP comes with the feeling of a presence near you. All the weird feelings could be your body falling asleep, I get that sometimes too. It’s hard to accept it, I know, it can be so weird! But in theory, if you remember it’s all in your mind and you simply let it hapen you should enter a dream.

It’s a good sign! Keep it up :wink:

Ive never had anything like that happen, but the fact that you felt someone near you(which is quite creepy, the feeling), is good, as it means you have entered HH. The fact that you felt that you were floating is also very good, it happens to me all the time. This is pretty hard, but this is what I got myself to do. When I feel that Im floating, I visualize a beach, with palm trees and white sand(It can be any simple place), but you have to visualize the colours very vividly, and then when it becomes clear(when you start visualizing, it tends to be all grayish), you imagine yourself moving, then when you appear where you visualized in the dream you are in an LD and can do whatever you want. Sorry that I may have sounded confusing, but read over carefully and try to understand, and youll be having WILDs in no time :cool:

Thanks for the good tip, both of you! :happy:
Always appreciate when I get good helpful answers :content:

Dark_Heroes_Master, just wondering, what does HH mean? :smile:

yup that’s definitely sleep paralysis. Hypnagogic Hallucinations (HH) are part of sleep paralysis and often take the form of someone by your bed, or sitting on your chest and breathing on your face.

you’ll likely go through this every time you try to WILD, which is good because it means you’re doing it correctly. Just relax and accept it, it has to happen before you start dreaming, it’s sort of like a preparation stage for REM sleep.

Nice :happy: gonna have to try to relax then :content: It’s damn hard though, kinda freaks me out :neutral:

I guess it is freaky, but if you can get past that, by ignoring or something, then you will have an LD very fast!