Ok guys…I honestly think Im trying too hard to have an LD…and in consequence, Im getting worse dream recall and much less vivid dreams. Has anyone else experienced this? Its really frustrating me…Prior to joining this site I’d have around 1 ULD every week or so. And my dreams were so vivid…almost every night. And now that I’ve tried more in the hopes to improve…I’ve just gotten ten times worse! Argh!
Should I just give up for awhile and see what happens…or maybe just not try so hard?..Bleh…
My best advice is took take it easier and try not to get frusterated, which can reduce your success in LDing, as with everything. Perhaps you should take a small break, maybe a few days or a week and then try to go back at it with a slower, more patient approach. Just let it come, and in good time, it will. I’ve only had one and I was trying to hard at first. When I went to a cabin with my family, I was very relaxed and patient and it just came to me, without any major intent. Good Luck!
Thanks you guys. Well at the moment, I’ve been trying WILD and I’ve tried WBTB method. I havent really attempted at MILD…I Dont think it would work for me…
Not exact results…but I have noticed that I’ve gotten very close…a little more persistance on my behalf and I believe it could work. WBTB also proved to be a great dreamcall method for me, although I’d like to try that out abit more.
It’ll pass, don’t worry! All you need is to be patient. I once had a long no-recall spell. Every night I would try my very hardest to recall all of my dreams, but to no avail. I had forgotten that trying too hard would only defeat my efforts. So, one night, I made the usual mistake and then fell asleep. I had a dream in which a man, who I “knew” was a wiseman of sorts, was teaching a group of people, including me. Out of the blue, he pointed at me and told me I needed to stop trying so hard to recall! After I woke up, I realized that he was right. Ever since that night things got way better! I hope this has helped you in some way, MissEvil. I wish you the best of luck, and I know you can do it!