Trying WILD - keep waking up half way through

I’ve just started WILDing, and for the past two nights, I’ve got my body to vibrate and shake, but I didn’t see any hypnagogic images (just the usual light patterns), and after several minutes the sensation just sort of faded and I was completely awake again. I don’t know why this is; there was nothing really distracting me. The only factors I can think of were:

1.) My fan was on and I continuously noticed it while I drifted off.
2.) I didn’t WBTB either night
3.) I swallowed several times (but I didn’t focus too hard on the swallowing, I was really concentrating on my breathing, counting, and dream scene)

What do you think the culprit is here? I’ll try hard to WBTB once I get a sleep mask (I simply can’t WILD when there’s some light in the room, and I tend to wake up pretty late)

I am also willing to find an answer to this because 60% of my WILD attempts end up just like it is described here.

it might be the swallowing- but i’m not sure- i have the same problem :sad: i went to bed at 1am and tried to go into SP and ended up staying up until 3am because it kept failing. I eventually just gave up and went to sleep. :sad:

No, I don’t think is the swallowing because sometimes it works perfectly and I just can’t understand what makes it fail in the same circumstances. I start to feel the numbness over my body as soon as I go to sleep, but when it’s not working it keeps like that, without ending into a SP or get into a dream/out of body. Also, before the SP, my muscles start twiching very unconfortable and I ignore them and end into a SP. When I can’t get a SP, I start feeling very powerful vibrations that would end at a point without any results (and it’s not a FA :help: ).

I’m having the exact problem… Also do wild when i go to sleep, and after a while my mouth gets dry so i need to swallow. By that point im still awake to be able to do that, right? Then it continues like that until i fall asleep… i never get to the point of knowing that i’m not in my bed trying to WILD, but in a dreamworld…! So i just end up falling asleep unconsciously o.O