This was funny. I dreamt my way back to the same setting as the LD from earlier in the morning. A few guys were sitting around on the floor and I decided I wanted to alter the appearance of one of them. I was having trouble deciding what to do when I noticed one of them all of a sudden had a McDonald’s shirt on. So, I close my eyes and think about making him into french fries. I then tried to open my eyes, but couldn’t see anything. I was still in the dream, so I felt around and found a couple fries and the other DCs dug in too. I popped them in my mouth and they tasted exactly like McD’s FFs. I said, “This is REAL!”, but then I thought…“well, as real as a dream can be”. I looked down at my hands and saw grease on them…then woke up.
Hehe thats funny Space Wrangler!
Normally i leave dc alone, but i on some occasions i have absorbed them like the agent smith does in the Matrix…and it seemed dc where just hollow associations of the mind lol images.
Wonder what u do next time? Turn a dc into money and buy a lucid race car?
well that seems fun
So in essence, you ate a DC
That might be funner than killing them.
I just realized I need to stop senseless killing sprees in LDs
hey Ghostofthenavigator, you’re a Dream Theater fan aren’t you? That’s an awesome song in your signature!
I wish there were DC’s around in my LD’s. whenever i get lucid, there are never any people around to do anything to! haha
Oh Yeah, Dream Theater rocks! Same with Iron Maiden!
hahaha French Fries!
It is possible that I just manifested the fries and the DC was still sitting there. I never really saw that he wasn’t still there. But, still…instant fries was a fun trick.
I once drank a glass of pink lemonade in a dream. It tasted real, too. When I’m not lucid, sometimes I’ll eat food in a dream because in real life my mouth is dry and I can feel my tongue in my mouth.
Hehe cute.
I once played with a DC’s hair in a LD. I turned it to bright red, blue, yellow, even green. I got bored too easily though.
When I get my lucid dreams back on regular basis, I might want to attempt Neo’s techniques and see what happens.
I also should mention that I have seen clones of myself. I’ll never forget that. It was weird.
I keep seeing multiple arms of myself when I look in a mirror (in an LD, of course!).
I have once changed a male waiter into a woman! But he was ugly and so when he became a woman, ‘she’ was still ugly!