Two great things!

ok guys, i tried to tell you the first part yesterday, but the forum was down, so here I go.

friday night I had a dream WHERE I was doing lucid techniques to alter the dream world. It was pretty strange, and none worked. Sadly, I didn’t do a realty check and did not become lucid.

Ok 2nd part:

Latley I have been having horrible dream recall, remembering 0-1 dreams a night. (mostly 0) But last night I recalled 4, yes 4 dreams! Thats a new record! :woo: :woo:

Any experts think i’m getting close to my first lucid dream? (and the nights I talked about were nights when i listend to a lucid induction mp3 for 20 minutes, should i continue this?)

oh, and how many dreams do you have a night? If it was 4 I hit the jackpot! :tongue:

I think you are getting close to having a LD. Ever since I started trying I am able to remember a few dreams per night. My advice on remembering is when you wake up, dont move! Stay in the exact same position you first woke up in and try to calmly remember what dreams you just had.
You have about 3-6 dreams each night, but you don’t always remember any of them!