Apologies for the vague title-- I couldn’t think of any good summaries for a title.
First question: I’ve been remembering about 1 dream a night. Everyone great once in a while I’ll remember 2, and when I sleep poorly (which is more often than I’d like) I remember none, which is to be expected; but the point is I remember about 1 dream a night on average. How can I remember more? I have a DJ, with a specific pen I use only for it, to make it more personal. (Although it’s only a notebook with a date on each page-- maybe I need a better DJ altogether) I try to auto-suggest positive dreams, good dream recall, and lucid dreams each night. I’m not sure what else I could do. Should I get an alarm clock with two alarms by my bed and try to wake myself up around the end of REM periods? (I should note that I have a problem going back to sleep after waking up, regardless of how tired I am.)
Second question: This questions is specifically for people with EWLD. I’ve been reading EWLD, and one of the things he mentions for WILDs is the 61-point technique (pg. 56). The exact phrase he uses is, “Before moving on to the next point, you should feel a sense of warmth and heaviness at this spot.” I haven’t a clue what he’s talking about. I’m quite convinced that I could focus for hours on any spot and not feel any sense of “warmth” OR “heaviness.” Am I just reading into this too much, or am I off the mark about what he means by that phrase, or is that technique dated and ineffective anyway, or none of the above?
I greatly appreciate any and all help anyone can provide with either question. Thanks in advance, and sorry if this is in the wrong forum.
first of all… welcome to the forum … now on to your questions…
=> if i’m not mistaken, in EWLD laberge suggests that one auto-suggest and train himself to wake up naturally after every REM period (rather than relying on an alarm clock)
i can’t speak for everyone, but i HATE alarm clocks, and when i wake up to one i will usually have forgotten the dream due to the abruptness of it. you may be different though, but i wake up once or twice or 3 times during the night and write down a dream and go back to sleep.
i too have problems going back to sleep when, i sorta got over that… oh yeah… if the autosuggestion of “i will wake up after every REM cycle” doesn’t work to wake you up a couple times in the night to write down a dream… i find drinking some water works just as well since you have to get up to pee
=> 61 point relaxation… the part you quoted said to feel for warmth or heaviness… also feel for tingling (sorta like when your leg falls asleep but less mild) some people experience their chi differently. sometimes mine’s a tingling warmth, sometimes just a warmth, and sometimes just kinda there
but i’d like to highlight the name of the exercise again: 61 point RELAXATION… if you don’t feel anything don’t worry about it, just move on. the point of the exercise is relaxation and becoming aware of different points in your body… you’ll feel it eventually, just don’t dwell on it
now i have a question for you. what does vae victus mean ???
I have read EWLD and I don’t really like the 61 point technique. I just try to relax all of my muscles at the same time. After a few minutes of relaxing I usually start feeling a sort of energy going out to my arms and legs, everytime I breath out.
My dream recall was bad too in the beginning. After about a month of trying to recall my dreams and writing down my dreams I could remember on average 3 dreams/night.
I think you should write down everything that you can remember from your dreams every morning.
Thank you very much for the responses, the welcome, and the good luck wish. All much appreciated.
Specifically, I’m thinking about trying the water trick (like some other people, alarms completely blank out my memory), re-wording my auto-suggestion to “each and every REM cycle,” and also moving on altogether from the 61-point relaxation technique-- because, looking back, it seems to get me more rattled and hazed than relaxed.
Again, thanks to both of you.
And Vae Victus is latin for “woe to the conquered,” which I assure you is uncharacteristically sadistic of me. It’s not that I believe in imperialism or subverting enemies or anything, it’s just the war-cry of one of my favorite fictional characters, Kain, from a series of video games (Legacy of Kain). He just says it with such conviction that it sends a chill through my spine. And it also sounds neat. :Þ
First off I have to say that if you have a hard time getting back to sleep do not use a alarm clock. Just keep up the auto-suggestion and you will either find yourself waking naturally or just from practice you will start to remember more dreams in the morning. I remembered 5 dreams this morning without waking at all last night. (Which is weird because I usually wake weather I give my self the suggestion to or not) Any way the point is to keep practicing and your dream recall will improve. You also mentioned that you don’t sleep well. That can effect your dream recall. If possible you might want to work on developing better sleep habits.
61 point relaxation technique. It’s not one of my favorite methods so I don’t practice it much. There is nothing wrong with it. It’s just not for me. I have posted in the big WILD topic part 11 a progressive relaxation technique. It is a good one for beginners and I even still do it once in a while. Take a look at it and see if it is for you.
hahahaha i really like that, also like soul reaver even though kain was the bad guy in that one
vae victus !!!
anyway, milod also raised a good point, not everything suggested in EWLD (or suggested by people on this forum for that matter) is for everybody. find what makes sense to you and run with it.
as soon as I saw your screen name I had a feeling you were a legacy of kane fan. The first one remains my fav though. I have not played blood omen 2 yet, so that may change soon.
I never beat the first one actually-- just got about 3/4 of the way through. But I’ve beaten SR1, SR2, BO2, and Defiance. I’d have to say the developers of the Soul Reaver games are slightly more talented than the BO designers— just my preference though. I like their dialogue/storyline more.
And, oneiromancer, I wouldn’t call Kain a “bad guy” in SR, he’s just trying to find out who’s pulling the strings, just like Raziel is. lol I feel like such a groupie/fan-boy for saying that…
By the way, yes, I’ve given up on the 61-point technique. It’s just not for me.
No, I forgot to ask. What page was it on? I read up to about page 4, but still couldn’t find it, then thought maybe I missed it altogether when I was skimming. Could you please say what page, and a ballpark area of the page that it’s on?
Edit: I could not find it maybe it was in part 10. No matter I’ll type it out real quick here. This is just a basic relaxation technique. A sort of meditation. It is easy and works prety well. You might want to do a search to learn about meditation it is a big help with LD ing.
Step 1: lay in bed and get comfortable. Close your eyes. Gently take a long slow deep breath through your nose (you should feel your stomach rise not your lungs.) Count silently to 4 then gently and slowly exhale through your mouth. Do that 2-3 times. Now turn your attention to your right arm. Tighten your right arm and again inhale as above count to 4 and as you exhale release the tension in your right feel it relaxing. Do the same thing with your left arm. Then do the same with both arms and finally do the same thing with your hole body. (Your body may feel heavy and relaxed at this point and may even feel a little tingly)
Step 2: at this point you should ignore your breathing. Let your breath find it’s own pace naturally. Turn your attention to your toes imagine that a wave of blue mental energy is forming at your toes feel the energy relaxing all the muscles in your toes. Then the energy moving up to your ankles and now imagine your feet are relaxing. Now move the energy up to your shins, then thighs, abdomen, and chest. Then imagine the energy moving down your arms all the way to the tips of your fingers. Now imagine the energy will move back up your arms to your shoulders, then to your neck, and the top of your head, finally imagine that the energy is leaving the top of your head taking with it all your tension, fears and anxiety with it. Take a moment and enjoy the relaxation.
Now you should be very relaxed
From here you can use what ever technique you are practicing with MILD or WILD.
I’ve been keeping a Dream Journal since January. My dream recal is moderate. During the week I remember fragments of one dream per night or 1 dream a night. I only get about 7 hrs of sleep so that may be why. On weekends when I can realy practice LD induction I can recall maybe 3-5 dreams on 9 hrs of sleep. I would like mroe dream recal during the week. Some nights I recall nothing.
When I have tried the 61 point technique, I am able to mentally “feel” the spot I am thinking about. I don’t know if I would say that feeling is one of warmth …just acknowledgement of the spot. I have stopped using the 61 point technque. I too just try to relax all muscles at once. Also, with the 61 points, I invariably count as I go through each point and this is too laborous for me.