Celebrating my two stars!!! Who-hoo!!!
Celebrating my two stars!!! Who-hoo!!!
Hey I just got my second star too.
Yeah well desigirl31, you post on every topic you see, even if it doesn’t interest you at all
to Dead. Thats the only way to get more stars!
Or u could jus post on the ones that intrest u lol…but anywayz… yay! and i c Dead has also jus gotten 50 do double !
Stars don’t matter, but hey, like Neo said, I got my 2nd star too!
“to Dead. Thats the only way to get more stars!”
Thats also called bumping and is against the forum rules.
And btw-If you look on BrainHackers,Atheists or Pilots posts(to mention only few)you can see how to earn your stars proper way.
Also have a question to moderators - maybe we should rename “The Lounge” to “The Meaningless Section”
Lets have fun and lets play i allways vote for that.If the forum becomes straight and serious all the way it would be great pity.But lets keep some standarts:)
Jack has a point there, you should post out of interest, and once or so a joke is ok. But not only jokes and speed post!
You should indeed earn your stars!
Yeah you must earn your stars or they don’t mean squat.
Congrats then!
You’re now a wise “forumer!” and the “newbie” is no longer with you!
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