Uberman's Sleep Schedule + WILD?

Sorry for posting 2 threads in a row, but I’m interested in something. Sine the goal of Uberman’s sleep schedule is to train the body to go directly to REM sleep, wouldn’t it, in theory, make WILD much easier? Obviously, I can’t try now, but I’d like to try during the summer if I think it will work.

Here’s aDJ of a user who tried the Uberman schedule. At the end of his run, he said he didn’t have an overload of LDs.

However, I would be interested to see if it does help with WILD.

Hi, I´ve been doing Uberman for a few months now and is just now (tonight) I´m starting my LD career. These first days I´m going to focus only on dream recall. However I tried WILD on one of my naps, just for fun, which would be my first LD attempt for several years. Surprisingly it went very well, my body felt numb (but no SP) and I repeatedly drifted into HI, but jumped right back out again every time. So basically i think it was my Uberman abilities and not my (non existent) WILD skills which accounted for the great first (ever) run!

edit: Some of the HI I sort of zoomed into, like if i were to flow into a painting. But I started and it disappeared. If that didn´t happen, would I go into a LD then? Or at least a ND?