UFO's sighted above mexico by airforce


Here’s the english fox news version.

were they in mexico city? if so, then it may have had to do with pollution. :gni:

My view?..what a load of PoOp lOl :cheesy:

What a bunch of crackheads…

I also heard someone say the other day “I don’t believe in UFOs” That doesn’t make a lick of sense. If I strapped 300 baloons to a lawn chair and sent up into the air, and you didn’t know what it was, that is a UFO. People think that UFO means alien spacecraft for some reason. All it means is Unidentified Flying Object.

sry bout the rant

Yeah what a hoax… Seems like people who want to see UFOs actually see them…
Another thing: I’ve always wondered why 75% of all UFOs were ever spotted above North America. Strange coincidence? Nah I don’t think so…

Mexico city is one of the most populated cities on the planet, with a population of >30 million people. If the UFO was an Alien spacecraft I think this “high density” of people is worth considering.

This is not the first time UFO’s have appeared above the public in Mexico City.

We hit that subject before in this thread:
“LDing causes alien abductions (beware!)”

Mystic, were did you get the number 75%? In the thread I linked to we debated the fact that most UFO sightings happen in North America. That simply isn’t true.

Badcandlejack (now known as “.” :wink: ) provided the information that Bonnybridge, in Scotland was known as the “UFO hot spot” of the world. Bonnybridge has more than 100 sightings a month. According to this website:

Although, it does seem most abduction stories come from Americans.
‘We must take into account widespread under-reporting due to the fear of ridicule,’ he added."
I don’t think it’s fair at all to tag these people as crazy or uncreditable. I’ll will defend these people vigorously.
I take an opposite point of view, and think of these people as brave and courageous. Maybe these people that report these experience just want to understand what has happened to them. They are looking for answers too.

I can only speak from personal experience: 3/4 of the UFO cases I’ve ever read about (and that’s quite a lot) happened in North America. Sure I know there are UFO hotspots all over the world, even in China. But those are a minority.
Also, I’m not disputing that these people are crazy or anything. I just don’t see why people always search for extraterrestrial or even extradimensional explanations… The many hoaxes in this area probably made me pretty skeptical… I’ve once read about a famous picture of a few alien ships. Investigators said the photo was real and they couldn’t explain it. Only years later, people discovered those UFOs were actually paint dots on a window. But still, during all these years, ufologists were shouting that they have the convincing evidence and such… What a laugh…
Nowadays, with digital technology, people can create extremely convincing photos. This, combined with the secret military projects of mainly the US, natural phenomena,… made me belief UFO are definitely not signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. No matter how hard I want to believe it :smile:

As for those “abductions”: there’s a nice theory which says that they might be some sort of LD, OBE or trance state. The implantates however might suggest a military experiment (they did some controversial experiments in the fifties so they’re capable of doing this to its citizens). But then again… people only see what they want to see. Kinda like The Sixth Sense :smile:

indeed people only see what they want to see. Personally i beleiv its possible there life out there but i wont beleiv anything untill i see it with my own eyes.

Its like music really. When your a musician you can train yourself to listen “into” the music and only hear what you want to hear.

Can people, entirely by accident. by thinking too much of life other than whats on this plannet train themselves to see things that dont really exist just becaus they want to?

Perhaps during a LSD trip :content:

Here’s an explanation for this UFO: ball lightning
Here’s an article.

What a lovely bunch of sceptics you all seem to be.

Maybe you should open your minds a little more.
I’m not saying for you to believe in little green men or to put trust in every UFO sighting as a fact of existance of extra-terrestrials. Just don’t be so quick to dismiss things you have little experience with. Insulting people by making fun of what they believe is ignorance.

By the way, I have seen UFOs.
One time…
I was in the car at maybe 7pm at night with my mum. We were driving to a friends for a visit. In the distance we seen the UFO. Just a huge black shape low in the sky with a orange glow around it. We thought, cool…we’ve seen a UFO. It was in the area we were heading to. We seen it again up very close this time. Big, very big. Very low in the sky just barely above the trees. No noise. Just hovering and not moving anywhere. When it got out of our view when we turned a few streets I couldn’t see it anymore and it was gone half hour later when we passed again. Was in my line of sight for about 20 seconds maybe. It had lights, three large lights on the underside, not very bright and didn’t illuminate the trees which makes me think they weren’t lights at all, but possibly see-through panels in the base. We didn’t mention it to the friends we visited. Strange, but we didn’t seem overly excited by it at the time.

I don’t necessarily believe it was piloted by aliens from another planet, but I do have an open mind to all possibilities. I know a few people who have seen UFOs and are pretty convinced that they may have been extra-terrestrial.


You read the news reports, didn’t you? I’m not trying to tell you that this was real (don’t believe it myself), but it’s not as easy to dismiss as other, previous reports. In this case, the electronic system was what “saw” the UFOs, not the pilots. Each individual aircraft operating at the time was able to identify the 11 objects, positioning them in the exact same place relative to their own location. When that many different sources all report that there’s something there (including visible remnants on the infrared scanner), it generally means there’s something there.

It could be an elaborate military hoax (for whatever reason), but I think it would have been a lot more publicized if that’s what they wanted. :smile:

Sure… it could have been ball lightning. Or some CIA/NSA test. They have lots of secret missions running, using non-conventional aircraft. I don’t think it’s unlikely that they use the UFO hype as a disguise for their operations. With UFOs, the public have an explanation which forms no danger to the secrets of the military experiment itself :smile:
But I can imagine that everyone who sees a UFO might be convinced of its extraterrestrial origin, due to the craft’s movements and the overall feeling it gives you. This remembers me from the UFO wave we had about 14 years ago: hundreds of people saw gigantic glowing triangles in the air. Everyone was prophecing the coming of the aliens and such… After some time it appeared that those triangles were a highly secret military experiment (kinda like the B2 bomber at the time).
I think we would be amazed if we knew about the current advances in military aircraft technology.


“I think we would be amazed if we knew about the current advances in military aircraft technology.”

and horribly horribly paranoid and angry, perhaps!

It isn’t an alien. But it is a UFO. It is unidentified, it is flying, and I’m pretty sure it is an object. People are crazy to believe that aliens are coming here.

I’m intrigued to know why people want to believe so readily that aliens are coming or that they’re already among us. Perhaps it is the same phenomenon as when people in the Middle Ages believed in faeries, goblins and other supernatural beings. Every era seems to have its own mythical imagery which seems to come from the collective human subconsciousness. I know there’s a nice theory about this stuff, but I can’t remember it… Anyone else perhaps?

It might sound a little too convenient coming from me, but I think people generally like to believe that there’s more happening than we can immediately see. Perhaps in the case of UFOs, it allows people to reassure themselves that there’s something out there in the depths of the unknown. Something which opens the doors and frees us from the world we’ve become so used to being confined to, alone. We just want to find something new.

I’ll try my best to paraphrase, Tonight I heard someone say:

“When you look up into a desert sky and see hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of objects, It’s hard to imagine we are the only conscious sentient beings.”

True, but that doesn’t explain why some people want to believe that they’re already here. Why on earth would some ETs travel so incredibly far just to observe us and, as some suggested, to experiment on us? The necessary technology to get here must be so highly advanced, that it’s ridiculous to suggest that those highly advanced civilizations are using relatively primitive methods to investigate us (abduction, operating room with needles and other instruments, “primitive” implantates…). The whole UFO=extraterrestrial origin tale just doesn’t make sense.
So I agree with Atheist that this idea comes from the typical human feature that we’re attracted to the unknown. It’s exciting to broaden your horizons and discover something new. Probably it has also to do with our subconscious fear that we might be alone in the universe after all. If this would turn out to be the truth, then it might be hard to cope with. Therefore, people reassure themselves that there must be life out there, and preferably that these aliens are already in our vicinity. I don’t think most people actively think about this, but perhaps this fear is a feature of the collective unconsciousness, kinda like the Shadow archetype, a symbolization of the projection of our darker selves onto others, which is then considered as an external and intriguing enemy. Only when people get to see certain phenomena which they can’t explain at first, this subconscious fear might express itself on the surface. Then it might influence, to a certain extent, the outcome of the witness’ mental deduction of whatever he saw in an attempt to find a rational explanation.

Why are we doing it then? Why do we go to the depths of the oceans? Why do we spend billions to go examine Mars?
Don’t you think we would jump on an opportunity to have first hand experience with another plant full with life? Absolutely!
and, how far is “far?”

I think the skeptics here want to apply their expectations to “how” an “alien” should behave. If they do use “technology,” why should we expect their technology to be complicated.

Fire seemed wild and magical for some time, but we learned to harness and create it.
Lightning seemed magical and impossible to harness many years ago also. Now we are using some form of it to communicate right now. Doesn’t seem so impossible now.
The best technology is the most simple and efficient.

Now lets imagine, if “aliens” did travel from wherever to here. Why should we expect their technology to transport them from A to B in the same fashion that we are use to? Paris to Tokoyo, New York to Los Angeles.

The passengers of these UFOs are unidentified, but there is proof everyday that these vehicles visit here. I’m not sure how many military, police, government offical testimonies, radar logs, and even video tapes can be presented before everyone admits something unidentified is visiting here.

It could be Marvin Martian travelling from Goauldufpookul 100 light years away. It could be Marvin Martian visiting from the mar’s colony that will exist millions of years from now.(time travel) It might be beings that have found a simple way to step through dimensions?

Does this all sound crazy? HELL YES! Does it sound insane. YES!
can we really ignore the similar scarred humans, with similar stories, with similar implants removed by their doctores, with post tramatic stress disorder because something has really disturbed them? The people that suddenly one day become deeply disturbed and can no longer lead a normal life? The same people that pass lie detectors and undergo hypnosis, and the same people that stay quiet so they aren’t asked to take lie detectors or hypnosis.
People all over the world risk their respect and dignity telling these stories, and it’s only because they must look for explainations.

So, the start of this thread is one of countless other proofs that unidentified flying objects tour our atmosphere. The stories remove all doubt:
cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/ … o.ufos.ap/
Look at this story like sport scores, Identified-0 Unidentified-1
Something is indeed without a doubt hovering in our skies.

Until they become Identified, no amount of speculation is “ridiculous.” If they are other life forms, then I think it’s to our benefit to “think outside of the box.” We should not try to assume how they should behave. Just because a civilzation has technology, it doesn’t remove them from using things that seem primative. We might have microwaves to cook our food and cars to drive us around, but we still use spoons and we still use our legs to get around.

To conclude I just want to make clear that I don’t have an opinion on what these craft are. I can only brainstorm about government projects, dimensional entities, alien life forms, time travellers, spiritual beings, mass human projection, or even a distortion in the frabric of space that leaks energy/images from another time/place.

However, with the amount of creditable abduction cases that describe non-human like creatures. Well then it’s easy to lean towards the speculation that these craft belong to the same creatures.