UFO's sighted above mexico by airforce

It might sound a little too convenient coming from me, but I think people generally like to believe that there’s more happening than we can immediately see. Perhaps in the case of UFOs, it allows people to reassure themselves that there’s something out there in the depths of the unknown. Something which opens the doors and frees us from the world we’ve become so used to being confined to, alone. We just want to find something new.

I’ll try my best to paraphrase, Tonight I heard someone say:

“When you look up into a desert sky and see hundreds, thousands, millions, billions of objects, It’s hard to imagine we are the only conscious sentient beings.”

True, but that doesn’t explain why some people want to believe that they’re already here. Why on earth would some ETs travel so incredibly far just to observe us and, as some suggested, to experiment on us? The necessary technology to get here must be so highly advanced, that it’s ridiculous to suggest that those highly advanced civilizations are using relatively primitive methods to investigate us (abduction, operating room with needles and other instruments, “primitive” implantates…). The whole UFO=extraterrestrial origin tale just doesn’t make sense.
So I agree with Atheist that this idea comes from the typical human feature that we’re attracted to the unknown. It’s exciting to broaden your horizons and discover something new. Probably it has also to do with our subconscious fear that we might be alone in the universe after all. If this would turn out to be the truth, then it might be hard to cope with. Therefore, people reassure themselves that there must be life out there, and preferably that these aliens are already in our vicinity. I don’t think most people actively think about this, but perhaps this fear is a feature of the collective unconsciousness, kinda like the Shadow archetype, a symbolization of the projection of our darker selves onto others, which is then considered as an external and intriguing enemy. Only when people get to see certain phenomena which they can’t explain at first, this subconscious fear might express itself on the surface. Then it might influence, to a certain extent, the outcome of the witness’ mental deduction of whatever he saw in an attempt to find a rational explanation.

Why are we doing it then? Why do we go to the depths of the oceans? Why do we spend billions to go examine Mars?
Don’t you think we would jump on an opportunity to have first hand experience with another plant full with life? Absolutely!
and, how far is “far?”

I think the skeptics here want to apply their expectations to “how” an “alien” should behave. If they do use “technology,” why should we expect their technology to be complicated.

Fire seemed wild and magical for some time, but we learned to harness and create it.
Lightning seemed magical and impossible to harness many years ago also. Now we are using some form of it to communicate right now. Doesn’t seem so impossible now.
The best technology is the most simple and efficient.

Now lets imagine, if “aliens” did travel from wherever to here. Why should we expect their technology to transport them from A to B in the same fashion that we are use to? Paris to Tokoyo, New York to Los Angeles.

The passengers of these UFOs are unidentified, but there is proof everyday that these vehicles visit here. I’m not sure how many military, police, government offical testimonies, radar logs, and even video tapes can be presented before everyone admits something unidentified is visiting here.

It could be Marvin Martian travelling from Goauldufpookul 100 light years away. It could be Marvin Martian visiting from the mar’s colony that will exist millions of years from now.(time travel) It might be beings that have found a simple way to step through dimensions?

Does this all sound crazy? HELL YES! Does it sound insane. YES!
can we really ignore the similar scarred humans, with similar stories, with similar implants removed by their doctores, with post tramatic stress disorder because something has really disturbed them? The people that suddenly one day become deeply disturbed and can no longer lead a normal life? The same people that pass lie detectors and undergo hypnosis, and the same people that stay quiet so they aren’t asked to take lie detectors or hypnosis.
People all over the world risk their respect and dignity telling these stories, and it’s only because they must look for explainations.

So, the start of this thread is one of countless other proofs that unidentified flying objects tour our atmosphere. The stories remove all doubt:
cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/ … o.ufos.ap/
Look at this story like sport scores, Identified-0 Unidentified-1
Something is indeed without a doubt hovering in our skies.

Until they become Identified, no amount of speculation is “ridiculous.” If they are other life forms, then I think it’s to our benefit to “think outside of the box.” We should not try to assume how they should behave. Just because a civilzation has technology, it doesn’t remove them from using things that seem primative. We might have microwaves to cook our food and cars to drive us around, but we still use spoons and we still use our legs to get around.

To conclude I just want to make clear that I don’t have an opinion on what these craft are. I can only brainstorm about government projects, dimensional entities, alien life forms, time travellers, spiritual beings, mass human projection, or even a distortion in the frabric of space that leaks energy/images from another time/place.

However, with the amount of creditable abduction cases that describe non-human like creatures. Well then it’s easy to lean towards the speculation that these craft belong to the same creatures.

You’ve got a point :smile:

I’d say AT LEAST 5 lightyears, probably a lot further because most stars in the vicinity of the sun are red and brown dwarfs with little or no chance of having planets. The closest exoplanet found so far lies at a distance of 15 lightyears.

The technology to travel interdimensional or through wormholes or whatever to overcome the huge distances might be simple, but it takes an enormous evolution before they’re able to develop it. Ofcourse we can only relate this with our own human environment, but don’t you think it could also count for alien civilizations that they first have to learn the alphabet before they can read sentences? A CD also look quite simple, but it took a long evolution before we could invent it: laser technology had to be developped, we had to create the right organic polymers so first we had to have some knowledge of organic chemistry and its principles, etc…

I’m not saying that they’re all liars. I’m too convinced that many of these people have experienced something truly disturbing which had a great impact on their lives. We don’t really know what happened to them, but let’s use Occam’s Razor here: when confronted with a phenomenon for which there is more than one explanation, one should choose the simplest explanation which fits all the observed facts. Which are the observed facts?

  1. People sometimes see strange things for which they don’t have a proper explanation at the moment.
  2. But people can make mistakes about their observation. They only see what they want to see. This doesn’t have to happen in every case, but it’s a fact that these things occur, especially when one is suddenly confronted with something he or she didn’t expect to happen. Compare it with the Rorschach test, the psychiatric test in which people suddenly get to see inkblots. They only see what their minds tell them to see.
  3. It’s also a fact that people often aren’t able to interprete the phenomenon in an scientific and objective way at the time of the experience. Very often, people rely on their personal preoccupations, expectations and feelings about the object to interprete whatever they’ve seen. That’s not a good basis to do scientific observations and afterwards it’s impossible to filter out the subjective elements. These subjective elements always influence the observation, whether to a greater or lesser extent.
  4. It’s a fact that some people create hoaxes or they lie about it. For various reasons. This definitely happens, because there are numerous hoaxes to be found in the history of ufology. The autopsy on the Roswell bodies is probably the most famous one.
  5. It’s a fact that the various agencies of the US (especially NSA and CIA) are running lots of secret military projects. Not much is known about the true contents of these programs, but it’s a fact that they exist.
  6. It’s a fact that while you hear the wildest theories about the alien origins of the implants, there has been not a single relevant scientific test to determine whether or not these objects are what people claim they are. Such a test is pretty simple actually: do an isotopic analysis within the proper scientific conditions and we will KNOW whether or not these objects are of alien origin, because it’s extremely likely that the isotopic composition on the extraterrestrial place of origin is different than here on Earth. One simple test… If UFOlogists really want to make u believe of their truth, why not prove it with one single test?
  7. It’s a fact that the true beginning of UFOlogy (1947) occured at the same time of great scientific advances in aircraft. It’s also at the same time that most secret programs of the intelligence services were created.
  8. It’s a fact that there are MANY atmospheric phenomena which might look strange or even frightening when confronted with them for the first time: moon reflections, ball lightning, burning meteors (this happens every day, so it’s not really a rare phenomenon), strange dust reflections as a result of atmospheric vibrations, extremely strange clouds (but I’d be surprised if anyone should call these UFOs :smile: ), reflections of strong lightbeams (from a lighthouse for instance), planetary alignments, satellites or planes flying over at night,…

These facts are probably not the only one, but they lead me to the simple conclusion that UFOs are not visiting aliens, that people were not abducted by these aliens for medical experiments and that the disturbing events of these people is not what it seems to be. This is the simplest explanation of what these phenomena are not, and you don’t need to look for alien technologies, wormholes or mental teleportation.

I agree that people only see what they want to see. I wish I could find a URL, but I once heard an interesting story about hypnosis.

The Hypnotist hypnotized a girl and told her that her father was not in the room. Although, he was right in front of her. The Hypnotist had a pocket watch with an inscription on it, and placed it behind her father’s back.
He asked her “Can you see what’s in my hand?”
She replied “Yes, it’s a watch.”
He asked “Can you read the inscription?”
She leaned forward and squinted her eyes, and then read the inscription just as if it was in front of her face.

At the time, the daughter only seen what she wanted(programmed) to.

I’m not a “UFO follower” and nor do I study UFO news or websites, but I know they have done more than a few test on removed implants. I heard an interview with a doctor that tried to removed one of these implants, but couldn’t. As soon as he would make an incision to removed it, the implant would move.
I also think I remember hearing they are silicon based, and look much like glass.

It still fails to explain how scars and memories appear over night. Scoop marks that are already healed overnight? People just don’t lose lumps of flesh overnight, and the memories that accommodate the person usually involve non-human like entities.

I definitly think there is something out there (set aside from my attitude of the space program). But I think everything out there that has the capability to think up to or past us is probably at the point we are. Where we can go a bit into space but nothing even close to any other life forms.

On another topic. When I first heard of lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis, I couldn’t help but wondering if people who thing they are being abducted by aliens are actually suffering from a combination of a lucid dream and sleep paralysis. That and possible out of body experiences. Everyone that has ever abducted claims they have floated off the bed, or couldn’t move at all. In out of body and lucid dreaming, both are not that uncommon it seem.

As my computer programming teacher I had always said:

‘There is always a logical explanation for what can’t be explained.’

Sorry for all the grammar mistakes in the last post. I guess my mind was somewhere else while I was writting it.

But probably these tests don’t really prove whether or not the implants are made by ETs. Instead of releasing unconfirmed reports by scientists who say “they have done a test with the implants, but it turned out to have strange behaviour/properties”, scientists should finally do a real supervised scientific test, and publish the results in a decent magazine instead of giving the story to obscure websites or such. An isotopic analysis is all what it takes. But granted, most scientists don’t take UFOs serious, so they lack the motivation and will to do the testing. This too should change.

Reread points 1-4 in my previous post. There are so many possible explanations for this: memory conflicts combined with unusual dream/OBE activity, mental instability, hoaxes, Jungian archetypical imagery, simple mistakes (scars which are actually a bit older than they first thought), bacterial infections, subconscious expression of placebo effects, stress,… And probably a lot more. Or perhaps we can’t explain it yet. Science hasn’t explained anything yet you know. Far from it…

I found a 30 minute interview with U. S. Navy Physicist, Bruce S. Maccabee. To summarize the interview, they discuss how none of the explanations the press have gave us can possibly explain this phenomenon.

[color=red]The interview is at the end of this program, You must fastforward 1 hour to find the 30 minute interview.[/color]

mystic, your “points” fail to give me a logical explanation of missing flesh and overnight healed wounds.

I agree, noticing missing flesh is hard to find a proper explanation for.

I agree, A person must try to make-up an explanation to why their flesh is missing. The situation is bizarre, and so the explanation they give themself may be equally bizarre.

True, and given the few possible logical explanations of why a person would suddenly notice missing flesh … well then, I suppose Alien abduction could be the only logical explanation for some people.

Yes, there are copy cats that like to imitate every aspect of human behavior. So, do they carve their arms with kitchen knives to lose flesh? mabye some do. :wink: but, this still doesn’t explain missing flesh that has seemed to heal in minutes, and sometimes noticed by other family members before the person themselves find out about it.

Yes, there are a large amount of UFO and Alien related hoaxes. This shouldn’t discredit all people with an encounter. There are just too many, and many of these are from respectable people. Policeman, politicians, military, and even scientist. Many of these are recorded, and some of these have actual artifacts that have been tested.

They have and they still do! Once removed the implants seem to leave very little evidence of anything exciting. Although, I’m sure there are documents of these examinations, but I don’t know if they are publicated.

The link you gave doesn’t seem to work… :sad:
But I believe you on your word :content:

Well, these points don’t give me an exact explanation of the specific case you mentioned either, but they dó convince me that there are LOTS of other facts one has to consider before one states that ET did it.

Actually I just thought of other another possible explanation: the healing powers of the human body itself, regulated by the deeper aspects of the mind. One example perhaps: there are lots of taoist schools which teach how to use vital energies to heal wounds and diseases. Aliens involved? I don’t think so. The subconscious powers of belief, concentration and visualization are not to be underestimated. And these powers are not solely available for taoist masters.
Don’t misunderstand me here. I’m not saying that it’s absolutely 100% impossible that ETs are visiting us right now. But I believe there are so many other down-to-earth explanations possible that it doesn’t make much sense to me to directly involve aliens when searching for an explanation.

From what I’ve read about the topic, I can’t say I’m convinced.

The audio stream link goes up and down. You may want to try again later.

I also think that we lack the evidence to claim that it was ET.
Although, I think that this “physical evidence” accompanies memories and disturbances that strongly suggest that something has physically happened. Mental illness, hallucinations, or subconscious influence falls short of providing acceptable explanations.

I guess we have a different opinion on that one :smile:

A new explanation for the Mexico UFOs has turned up: oil well flames :smile:

Here’s a large post on this possible explanation.

I was under the impression that the lights were following the planes, surrounding them in a precise pattern before speeding off into the clouds. At least, that’s the idea I got from reading the initial report on the event.

Just goes to show, the people who witnessed it exaggerated strongly in favor of authentic UFOs, because they (perhaps) wanted to believe it that much. Details are created accidentally as they ponder what happened, until the story bends out of shape.

It can happen with pretty much anything.

Pilot 1: “I think they might have been moving…”
Pilot 2: “Yeah! I think I saw that too.”
Pilot 1: “Then it’s settled, they were moving really fast.”

Just like that, the story has been innocently distorted to no longer reflect the actual events. I’m very sure this happens with the majority of unexplained phenomenon.

LOL …Do you believe everything the government tells you ??

Yes there are many hoaxes out there, and there are those that have seen experimental jets .
But what about the flying objects seen back before ;when people were riding camels and horses only ?
Even in the Bible there were writings that God made the clouds His chariots.
Ezekiel saw a whirlwind coming from the north of the Kebar River, it had the appearance of polished or shiny metal and it glowed. From out of that one appeared like 4 more described as a wheel within a wheel.
Ezekiel even goes as far as describing they flew in formation , and describes landing gear.
For a primitive guy such as he was , that never seen this kind of technology , he did a good job of description, if you take the time to understand the symbolic language.
Did you ever wonder where the idea of Angels having wings came from?
It is because it is written that they had “wings under their hands”.
So now consider the speech…when you drive a car , do you not have control of it with your hands??? Something to think about aye, wouldnt ya say?!

About Ezekiel: Blumrich once made a scale model of the supposed UFO. It looks kinda bizarre actually (see here) :smile:
I’ve read a lot about these theories, mostly from Von Däniken, Fiebag and especially Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin mainly talks about the supposed extraterrestrial connection of the Sumerians, but he also talks about all the things you mentioned. The problem however is that he mistakes myths for facts. Myths and mythologies are symbolizations of a deeper level of wisdom, richly coloured by the specific way of interpreting reality and by the overall archetypical model of the civilization in question. Myths are a coded representation of a culture’s secret wisdom, and very often only insiders can understand the true meaning of these stories. Sometimes it might happen however that the described myths resemble elements which are very familiar to us now (such as in the Ezekiel story). Sitchin however takes everything for real and forgets about the underlying meaning of its symbolism, resulting in a monstrous theory in which he connects every ancient civilization through an alien race of so-called angels (the Nephilim) who initially came to Earth in order to find gold which they needed to save their own poisoned atmosphere on the 10th planet, Nibiru. This theory is really too ridiculous for words, but that’s what you get when you interprete myths as facts.
For one explanation of the hidden wisdom in myths, read Giorgio de Santillana & Hertha von Dechend - Hamlet’s Mill

Hehe véry true :smile: Actually, we saw this last week during psychology class. The tendency of the mind to construct false memories based upon guessing and misconceptions is far greater than people normally think. The effect is most clearly seen during hypnosis and during unexpected situations in which people’s regular way of thinking is interrupted, for instance when they see a UFO. So yeah, this psychological effect clearly plays an important role here.

Well sorry to say this , but Sitchin must be a dumbass. No where in the Bible does it state the Nephilim were searching for gold (LOL). Apparently you must be taking other peoples word for this and not studying for yourself.
I have read books from some of these guys , and did my own research , and found that these guys are apparently out to fool ya.
The purpose of the Nephilim go alot deeper than that…I can assure you.
And why is it that people always take historical writings as myths for?
Do you realise how many today even think the “Holocaust” of the Nazi’s as a myth also? That happened a little over 60 years ago, and there are many who will tell you , “It didn’t happen”.
Archaeologist are even finding that alot of these people and places of the Biblical times actually existed.
However I realise our New World system keeps these things from our educational systems. They sure wouldn’t want us to believe in God or anything outside of our government.
Wait …isn’t that called socialism?
Sorry …I had to throw a litttle politics in there.
However there was a time I thought it was all bogus B.S. too. So I do understand where you are coming from.
Just like people think I am wierd when I tell them about lucid dreaming.
I know , cause I have experienced it . They haven’t , and think I am full of it.