Last night I was trying to WILD and all the sudden it was like I fell asleep for a for a second and then all the sudden I saw a flash of an old woman- not in my room but in “dreamland”. THis is the first time I’ve tried to WILD, I experienced no sounds, vibrations or HI- nothing like that. In fact, I was SUPER tired and had only been counting for about 15 seconds and her image lasted for like, a 12th of a second. In fact, it happened so fast that when I opened my eyes, I wondered if that had happened at all.
I’ve heard of the Old Hag, but as I understand it, it only happens in SP so your mind can explain the pressure on your chest and inability to breathe properly.
Plus I wasn’t combining WBTB and WILD. I was trying to do WILD when I first went to sleep (on the account of how unbelieveably tired I was).
Any ideas on what this could be? Also, do you HAVE to to WILD straight from WBTB? Or was I incorrect in assuming depending on how tired you are you can do WILD stright from your first sleep?
You could’ve hallucinated, if you were that tired, your perception of time might have been tampered with too…
But my bet is that it’s a weird type of hallucination, probably related to the fact that you were really tired. Still, I don’t know what it is. What I can say is—it probably won’t happen again. Feel special.
I can’t get her ugly face or her expression out of my head. now I’m afraid that when I do WILD, she’ll be a full fledge Old Hag instead of a… erm, Haglette? Oh well- if it happens, it happens, right?
That sounds like an interesting thing to happen. I believe that has happened to me at some point, in which I never intended to visualize something, but an image quickly flashed in my mind and soon left. It didn’t feel like HI, though. You probably shoudn’t worry about it at all, it may have been a one time occurence.
It’s just HI.
Not that ‘disturbing’ images arise often in HI, but they are there. If you understand that the HI process is very random, then you should be watching it ‘movie style’, and appreciating it for what it is, without becoming involved. It’ll pass and the experience you have after it will be well rewarding.
I will defnitely start to look at it that way, noodle. If, for some reason, my mind has a tendency to conjur up not so pleasant images, I’m just going to have to accept it. And I can’t think of any better way that watching “movie style”.
Im sure its a HI. I haved these type of thing really often. Like im seeing a boy face in a second in my head when im almost sleeping. Its really random image and if I was freaking out because of a image I saw , its sure will be more nasty looking.
I agree with everybody. Those sudden flashes are HI. When I first try and reach the hypnagogic stage, I used to see a skull in front of me. It didn’t frighten me by the way. Now I see peaceful landscapes, it’s cooler.
It’s generally adviced to use WILD together with WBTB but you can WILD from your first sleep. And if you’re very tired it may work easier.
Yes, I saw it during about a week. At this time, I was just trying to see HI, I didn’t know anything about LD’ing. As I was exploring HI in order to see strange things, I found this rather funny and I didn’t worry at all.
Thanks, Basilus! I haven’t had anymore crazy ugly women dreams HI (thank goodness) but then again, I haven’t had them at all since that last time…
I have been recalling 3-4 dreams a night these past 3 days!! So I am going to try WILD and WBTB on saturday morning. I’m looking forward to my first experience with WILD, even if I don’t happen to have an LD.