EEEK! Ok good news and bad news. One…I HAD ANOTHER LD LAST NIGHT!!! Bad news: I couldn’t fly… I tried over and over and i actually fell down. I jumped off my banister from the upstairs, and when I hit the floor, it actually hurt a little. I even tried the thing that Neo does in the matrix before he flys…but it didnt work. after countless times of trying…i just stopped.
you guys think this could become permanent because of my sub c?
also…off topic…but i cant stop shutting my eyes near the end of my dream. this always wakes me up…
I had few times in row recently where i couldn’t fly either no matter how i tried. Then in next dream someone suggested me to jump into the pool (i.e. to fall down a bit), so i can manage to start flying. I even closed my eyes when doing that (if closing eyes wakes you up frequently, then don’t close them), so my mind would not be troubled of thinking about the ground and “gravity” stuff. And i succeeded. In next dream i was jumping, but did not managed to fly again.
So maybe try to find some higher place and jump down. And while falling try to start to fly.
hehe thats what i did. i jumped off from the second story. and my mind made it hurt. my left side was pain. and jumping in to a pool? lol. like a swimming pool…? yeah…but thanks for the advice. ill try jumping from higher grounds if this issue keeps happening.
Anyway, what you “feel” would be right place to jump down, try it out. For me it was jumping into swimming pool, because someone told me to do that (was it my Spirit Guide? dunno). And as soon as my legs touched the water i was able to fly up
But it’s all about our mind i think. I fail too many times to fly as in earlier LD’s i used to fly with ease. I think i need to relax and think how possible it is, etc. Gotta find some way to improve it again…
ok firstly i quote Yoda in starwars (or allmost quote, i don’t know the exact sentence):
“Don’t TRY to do it, just DO it…”
heh, that actually can help
You could also try to just levitate from the ground. I also got some problems with jumping into “flymode” but have allways managed when i just concentrating on taking off from the ground without a jump. The reason why levitating is easyer it that you have more time to concentrate. When jumping you just have a few seconds before you hit the gound, and maybe fail to concentrate because you feel that you are still falling…
Good luck.
ps congrats on you frequent lds recently, you seem to have found the right method for you
A technique that has always helped me when I’m having trouble flying is crossing my legs. I would do this and just will myself to lift up into the air. Once im in the air I just take off for the sky, or nearest person. Another technique I recently did was jumping in air and spreading arms and legs out. This was kind of freaky because I saw myself doing it.
thankyou very much for replying!! i just want to note to the people saying for me to base jump…if i base jump and fall but do not succeed at flying, ill hit the ground, and that runs the risk of two things…
My mind thinks it will hurt, so it ends up hurting
My dreams usually stop when I fall from high altitudes
So yeah…not gunna be doing that. And besides…i would have to like make a skyscraper appear and i would have to figure out how to get to the top of it without flying, since i cant fly…so yeah…no worky. lol. vacuum cleaner…ive never heard that, and i might try that. but yeah…thanks for replying, ill try MOST of this stuff
That is most likely the best advice you can get on this. The bottom line is you have to know that you can fly. Perhaps you should try to increase your level of lucidity before trying to fly.
When I first started learning to LD I used to jump in the air and flap my arms like a bird. I would slowly gain altitude as a kept flapping my um “wings”. Anyway, it worked great on my first try. As I got better at lucid dreaming realized that I did not need to flap my arms to fly and I could just jump in the air and fly. Alternatively if you are good at summoning things in your dream you could summon up a pair of jet boots ( or something similar) to help you learn to fly.
Anyway I hope you keep trying. I found flying to be one of the most awesome lucid dreaming experiences.
Make something that flies that you can hang on to: table, rug, skateboard, scooter (as I had in one of my RDs).
Try levetation first. Feel yourself going “up”, nowhere in particular, just up. Take it a few inches at a time and once you get yourself “up” then try moving around in basic directions before trying to all-out fly.
My first flying dream (which was kind of odd all-in-all but I won’t get into that) involved me diving into a pool to retrieve a pair of goggles and when I came out I could fly. Try going into/through something knowing that when you go out you’ll have the ability to fly. Or find an object that you can associate with flying (ie. feather, ring, etc. Some thing small) and use it kind of like a magic charm or something. Like Dumbo, only you’re not an elephant.
Try getting someone to fly with you. If you can, try summoning a DG or just a “knowledgeable” DC and have them either teach you or assist you or even fly you around. Your mind can know more than you do, if that makes sense.
Try a stair-step method. Just visualize an invisible set of stairs in front of you and start going up. Theoretically, when you’ve gone high enough you won’t need the stairs.
I’ve found that one of the biggest things you need to realize when trying to fly is direction in general. Figure out how to go “up” and then “down” then “left” and “right.” I’ve dreamed about jumping off of a tall tree and then slowing my rate of descent until I landed softly on the ground and did it again. Now, I haven’t had an LD long enough to fly in, but at least one of those ideas should work. If not, I’ll think of more