UK releases top secret UFO files

UK government has made it’s top secret UFO files public since yesterday.

A few days before the Vatican announced that “Alien life forms are also created by God” so it’s not wrong to “believe” in aliens.

Is something going to happen?

You know Qu, I had the same thought when I read the post. The vatican proclaims alien life is from God and all of a sudden the UK releases files…

In your face, sceptics!

That’s interesting Q… It really reminds me of the book The Sparrow, by Mary Doria Russell. In the book a Jesuit man goes with the first team to travel to an unknown world whose music was picked up by an observatory on Earth. I never would have thought that the church would integrate aliens into their beliefs.

July 3rd 2003 is a day that will always burn in my mind’s eye as clear as the day itself until I die.

I’m all for the possibility of what I saw being a secret government craft, but personally, and this is simply my opinion, I think I saw an ET space craft. Whatever it was, it was NOT a “hallucination”, I saw a stereotypical UFO that was about 40 feet in length and only about 120 feet away from me. Before seeing this, I had always believed in intelligent beings that weren’t from Earth, but this experience kind of confirmed my beliefs. It would be great if one day, especially soon, the existence of ETs were confirmed to the general public.

Wow, that’s pretty incredible Rod Serling…
I’ve never seen a UFO, I’m too intrigued by the moon and stars…

Out of strange coincidence, just watched Contact again with Kuro last night! Lol…

:smile: This is something I didn’t see in any of the papers! Wow. I remember the one article, but not the releasing of all the info…

^ Do you really expect English skeptics to admit they were wrong?? :smile:

This is from one of the reports:

“On the above date and time it was reported to this office that there were reports of UFO sightings over the base and an incident in progress on the Ft. Dix installation. Also, MAFB control tower, (illegible), reported same. Upon further investigation, it was reported that an unidentified being, had been shot by Dix MP’s and same entered MAFB at above location”

“One body of unknown origin released to the care of OSI District Commander and Special recovery team from Wright-(illegible) AFB.”

“Further Investigation revealed that there was some kind of body found on our installation. Area was cordoned off and ECP set up. USAF clinic personnel advised and dispatched accordingly. Recovery team notified and responding. All necessary personnel have been notified. See further 1569’s for more information. Investigation pending.”

So, there you have it!

Nein, given the fact that a government body releasing documents related to UFOs while at a close date the vatican pronounces belief in alien life alright is hardly compelling evidence of anything.

Agreed. If the Vatican were aware of it’s release date (which is obvious that they were), then of course they would announce such a thing to keep Christians from questioning anything. Aliens wouldn’t fit into the bible’s story very well, so the pope quickly stood up and talked out of his ass proclaiming it would fit into God’s plan.

It’s incredibly obvious that they just need followers. God is dead, and the major religions will crumble in the near future.

/me points Lizard King to the rules, please respect beliefs other than your own.

Hmm, I rather looked at this another way. I don’t think the vatican would make this proclamation based on the UK files. There are other countries that have released information regarded to UFO’s. France did it last year I believe, and there are other stories becoming public as well, from air force officers and such.

The feeling I got is that it somehow has become inevitable, and I wonder if something will happen in the near future.

I don’t know, I remember seeing some weird glowing lights of circles spinning in the air when I was little. Can’t really describe it but I know it wasn’t a plane or anything like that.

But imagine how neat it would be to have aliens living here on earth. They can introduce things to us and vice versa. It’d be so neat to meet these new creatures.

I believe in intelligent life, but not little green men flying in UFOs. :tongue:

I believe that there is a good possibility of Alien life existing in the Universe, but I have my doubts about how or why they would visit Earth, and whether they could visit Earth even if they wanted to, there seems to be some kind of hidden law that hundreds of people follow saying that if there is Alien life it will be much more advanced than any Human technology, why is this?

Also, I couldn’t see any of the pics I just got blank pages…

They would want to visit Earth because our planet is probably gold to any other living things in the universe. Our planet is as perfect as could be for living conditions.

On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena.


what is your opinion?i mean. we are in 2008 and most people dont know about our buddies in space…
maybe the problem is that they dont believe about that?
check this online vid.if not “real” at least interesting. … 9745631584

btw all available data could just be fake.just another cover other lies.

what if aliens are spiritual beings, not aliens at all

and the aliens that fly saucers are human beings, creating a huge fear and hysteria, so we can unite in a one world war against fictional space invaders, to create a one world government and control populations?

Not in my house!

everyone tune in and say “no thanks” please.
Consider Morvo, he’s always on Futurama’s news… always…

Well see this is in fact what is happening. However instead of aliens, they are using “terrorism”. It’s as true as you can imagine.

Well the whole thing on UFOs is that they are just that “Unidentified Flying Objects” that has become synonomous with “Aliens in spaceships” when you can guarantee most of the time its a wrongful sighting of a plane at a bad light angle and the like, consider our old friends the flying wing and the good old flying pancake…