Ok, so I was in a dream, and (somehow) I decided to do a reality check. First, I tried putting my fingers through my hand, but I couldn’t. Then, I tried looking at my nose with one eye, and I could see it. I looked at my hands again, and they looked fine.
I woke up soon after, and I was so mad, considering I could’ve had my first LD!
Is there any explanation as to why those RC’s didn’t work correctly?
hmm, maybe because there was nothing wrong with your hands, or that you could see your nose, and your finger didnt go through your hand.So your brain said, hmm i’m not dreaming because everything is right.Are you questioning if your dreaming each time you do a RC? that helps to
This has happened to me a few times, RCs aren’t a flawless way of checking to see if you’re dreaming, although most of the time they do work. Just unlucky that time.
if they continually dont work then practise the text RC (looking at text, remember it, look away, look back at the text and see if it has changed) because that one NEVER fails
When doin reality checks in dreams and you think ‘am I dreaming?’ you’ll normally think either ‘yes’ or maybe… I’ll do a RC to see. But when you do one in RL, you’ll naturally nkow you’re not dreaming. Do next time you do one in a dream really ask yourself if your dreaming, and do more than 2 or 3 if they’re not working.
I would personally think that it had something to do with the fact that you were expecting your hand to be solid, your nose to be there, and your hands to be normal. When you do reality checks honsetly wonder what the results might be. or EXPECT them to reveal that you are dreaming. And do this with every time you have a reality check. Ever since I’ve started RCs I was afraid my brain would expect the answer and it would be what happens in RL so I taught myself to really wonder every time i do a reality check. Also, when you are done look at your surroundings and study them for a second just to make sure you are dreaming.
use better RCs. like looking at a digital watch. supposedly it shows weird symbols in dreams, but in my experience, it has always showed a logical time except once when it read 8:99. but the trick is to look at it 2-3 times and if it changes each time, then you know youre dreaming.
Wait, so you’re not supposed to be able to see your nose if you close one eye and try to look at it? o.O Because right now, I’ve got one eye closed, and I can see my nose… And I just did about 15 RCs to make sure I’m not dreaming! (Not to mention the fact that I’m typing this…)
Always repeat a RC as often as necessary until you are absolutely sure you are not dreaming. This is because results are likely to change from one try to the next in a dream, while they tend to stay the same in WL.
It happens quite often that my hand looks normal on the first look, for example, but then changes if I look again (quite funny, actually - it never seems to look the same each time I do the RC ).
It also helps to ask yourself whether you are dreaming, and to always expect the RC to fail (this can be difficult in WL, but it’s necessary ).