I am new to this forum, I only stumbled upon it the other day. I’m excited to be able to share my experiences here.
The first time I had an LD was about 3 yrs ago. I had been smoking a lot of pot, and just quit the week before, which I think somehow triggered the occurrence. I was staying at my girlfriend’s house downstairs, and was having trouble falling asleep. When I finally did, however, I was downstairs in the house by myself and my girlfriend was nowhere to be found. There was, however, a mollusk-like humanoid creature with long white hair, pink skin, and a circular mouth full of sharp teeth. This disconcerted me, and when I tried to get away the creature would slowly follow. I became so scared that I woke up, and had complete recollection of my dream. When I fell back asleep, I immediately returned to the same dream. I think the second time I was lucid, but this repeated over and over, at least 6 times, it might have been the third time. I think this repetition also induced lucidity. It was almost like a seamless transition between being awake in bed, and being in the dream. I was scared of the creature, so I would try so hard not to fall asleep, but inevitably I would, and be straight back in the dream. Eventually I faced the creature- it looked at me, opened its mouth and then moved into my body, upon which time the dream ended, and I was able to sleep the rest of the night.
I have only had a few LDs since then, but after finding this site, I had one the next night.
All of a sudden I became lucid in my dream. I calmed down, looked at my surroundings, down at my hands, and back up again. I was able to maintain the dream without waking up. To my dismay, however, there were several people in my dream that were following me around, grabbing onto me with their hands. The sensation that was caused could only be described as a sharp ache. I told them to go away and leave me alone several times, but they wouldn’t. When I eventually escaped their grasp, I tried to fly away, but I could only haphazardly flutter like a wounded duck, and would drift back to the ground. In previous LDs I have tried to fly, and could never get more than an inch above the ground. I even tried jumping off buildings, and would just fall down to the ground, stopping an inch above the surface.
Has this happened to anyone else? My LDs have been rather dissappointing as of yet. Do I just need more practice? I seem to be able to become lucid, yet I can’t control myself very well. Just looking for input, thanks to anyone who bothered to read this unwieldy post.