Unable to spot when I'm dreaming

I’ve been trying to LD for around a fortnight and still haven’t had one but my dream recall has improved which will help me LD.

So basically I have been remembering a ND every night and they all have some kind of aspect from a game (Seen as I play a lot games), the dream terrain is usually something out of A game I’ve played before but I cannot spot this? is there anything I can do to recognize these aspects of the dream ?

Ah, so your dream sign seems to be parts of games. Just be extra attentive when you are gaming, remember to perform those RCs throughout the day especially when you game. Don’t lose yourself in the game, it can be hard to maintain awareness, but try your best.

Basically, perform those rcs whenever you are gaming or reminded of them. :razz:

Thanks starry you’ve helped me on a couple of posts now