Uncertainty over: Liberation of Iraq to take place.

Experts say, that it’S nearly impossible for iraq to develope atom bombs. It’s not that easy to come up with a bombs as you may think… There is also NO proof that Saddam Hussein is in contact with Terrorists…

You can’t judge someone without any evidence…this war is crime

About beeing brainwashed: It was’nt my aim to insult you. Just wanted to let you know…

Hi Ben
At this time, in germany (where I come from) there is quite an “anti-USA” atmosphere.At the same time, most germans agree that prejudices are dangerous, and that they don´t “dislike” the USA in general, or the humans of who live there.
Discussing such topics really isn´t an easy thing.
Anyway, since it is important to understand each other point of views (especially those you don´t agree with) I´ll just go on, and hope that I don´t sound agressive or something.

Disobidiance? Disobidiance towards who?
They don´t have to follow the rules of the USA, noone has.
If you mean that they are the ONLY country that disobeys the UN, remember that the USA also does if they attack.This pre-emptive war isn´t legitimated by the UN, and therefore illegal.

I´ll pick up what ginkgothian said about being brainwashed.That isn´t only for the USA, the media plays an important role in the world.
But, fact is, any gouvernment tells it´s population that the weapons are for protection only.
You know, even Hitler told us that the weapons are there to liberate countries and end communism.

(What does ANWR mean?)

1.The rich want to get richer! (that´s almost a physikal law)
Just take a look at Bill Gates

2.The richer a country is, the more technology it has, the more it depends on oil.You haven´t got much oil, you HAVE to get it from other countries.

3.I don´t know if it´s “only for oil”.But still, it is conspicuous how often countries that are part of some US action got oil.
Look at colombia.There the US sent troops that are there to “fight a war on drugs”.They help the dicator-like president to fight against the coca-farmers.Actually they help fighting down the poor ones in general, and keep the rich ones at power.
And, as you have already guessed, the president of Colombia allows US oil companies to build up in colombia.This country is one of the top ten oil-suppliers of the USA
I know I got no evidence for this point, but since I had to talk about it in classroom I spent quite a lot time on researching (The task was to tell something about any topic you like).One of my main sources was amnesty international.


only reason why Bush invades iraq is because of the OIL… The weapons of mass destruction is just an excuse to goto war… They have no proofs whatsoever. The inspectors should have been allowed to continue their work.

Why dont bush do anything with north korea?? They are a bigger threat to world peace than iraq/saddam is as of now and they threat their people like DIRT. But then again they dont have much oil :wink:

And those israelis… drop bombs on palestinian refugee camps!!

I agree that saddam is a evil man, but this war isnt the right way… And US main aim isnt to help the iraqi ppl and make the world safer… their reason is oil, power… Even if saddam and rest of circle left, US would invade iraq and stay there for ATLEAST 8 years.

Exactly!! totally agree on that.

one more thing… The country who actually has most mass destruction weapons on the face of earth is actually US themself!! And they have used them on Japan before…

I agree with foreign minister from IRAK: Bush is the worlds biggest danger to world peace, he and his administration should leave his country.

Patriotism has peaked? I thought patriotism in America hasn’t been half of what it was during the World Wars since the 60’s.

A while back, Colin Powell made a rather lengthy presentation of all the evidence we have of Iraq having nuclear weapons and other illegal weapons. They included satellite photos, intercepted conversations, certain documents, etc. It was pretty convincing. Also, if Saddam has no illegal weapons to hide, than why didn’t he cooperate with the inspections? If he in fact had no illegal weapons than it would’ve greatly benefited him to allow the inspectors to see everything they wanted.

And about the starving countries, last I heard America was pumping billions of dollars, far more than any other country, into these famished countries to help them. It’s a pretty well-known fact that the American government donates more money to countries in need than any other country in the world. (That is not to be mistaken with the amount of donations that come from the people. I believe Spain holds that record, but that amount of money is far less.)

And something else I want to mention about civilian casualties. America has spents tons and tons of money on technology that doesn’t harm civilians. Again, this amount of money spent is unparalleled by any other country. Saddam Hussein is intentionally placing his artillery in neighborhoods, near hospitals, etc. There is also evidence that he will dress up his soldiers in American and British uniforms and have them go around killing innocent civilians to trick the Iraqi people into thinking America and Britain are actually responsible for that. Now, when it comes time to war, who will get blamed for a large amount of dead civilians? America. That’s kind of like someone insisting on going into a football game (American football) with no pads on, getting hit and injured, and then putting all the blame on the player that hit him and not any on the guy for being stupid enough to go on the field with no pads.

So now we are at the brink of yet another war, another ‘conflict’, another ‘showdown’. Regardless of the terminology we wrap it in, human lives will still be lost, unnecessarily. Much “collateral damage”, to use the military doublespeak, except that the only damage of any REAL importance and value are the human beings on both sides who only wanted to live, but were denied their lives by their respective governments and militaries serving ‘greater’ interests.

America the Great, harlot mother of the modern war – do we think that there would be terrorism and biochemical weapons and nukes and god-knows-what-else in this world, were it not for us? The irony of these middle-east conflicts is that our own modern-day Babylon is attacking the remnants of an older Babylon, in this bitter ongoing struggle for hegemony of world power. Heaven forbid anyone dare challenge the “God-given” sovereignty of this nation, or the ‘righteousness’ of its leaders.

Sept. 11th should be known as “We Reap What We Sow Day”. At this point in the degenerate history of this commodity-controlled, power-mad nation, we deserve anything bad that happens to us; the cultural melting-pot has melted itself, and every dark city in America is a testimony to the true bankruptcy and failure of the American experiment. Thomas Jefferson would be sick with disgust at how far down we have come, and a quick perusal of his writings by any rational and clear-thinking person would engender no other conclusion. We have so overstepped the bounds of what this country was originally intended to be, that to imagine ourselves as the epitome of democracy in the world is a crass hypocrisy unparalleled in the history of civilization. Even Adolf Hitler had no such pretensions about HIS regime, and neither do Bin Laden or Hussein…

We are all human beings. We all want to live, we all want to love, we all want to be happy, we all want to be free. And the only thing that stands in the way of this is CONTROL. Be it the mass-scale physical coercion of governments or the more subtle psychological coercion of institutionalized religion, advertising/commodity culture, etc., our liberty and human dignity is threatened at every turn by those who profess to know better than ourselves, what is best for us. And willingly we follow all these powers, our minds and imaginations held hostage, our once-free spirits broken by unforgiving masters. The Empire never ended, it just took on increasingly subtle and insidious forms. We are still in Egypt, Pharoah is still building his damn pyramids, at the expense of the lives and dignities of we, his slaves…

May the Empire burn to the ground, may the world-economy dependent on American hypocrisy crumble, and may we find ourselves free and alive enough afterward to dance joyously on its ruins. This so-called nation does not deserve to exist anymore. The majority of the innocent blood, sweat and tears shed in this world in the past 200 years has been under OUR yoke in one way or another, and when we stop lying to ourselves we will begin to see this clearly.

for the final abolition of ALL power-dialectics,

David Boone
Bluffton, IN

Are you kidding? Do you have any idea what are plan is if we enter all-out war? I don’t think that technology can do much good when we are launching a missile every minute for 48 hours at Baghdad, which is heavily(sp?) populated in case you weren’t aware of that either.

Hmmm, maybe it’s unparalleled because most other countries are busy trying to keep up the quality of life for the people, instead of "liberating other countries. Maybe I’m wrong, but does launching 2,880 missiles at a densely populated and historic city really sound like liberation?

Doesn’t this sound just a little convenient(sp)? In any case, Amerikkka would be the one blamed for massive amounts of civilian casualties, even if the soldiers did this(but again, don’t you think this is just slightly convenient?).

well, just another thought on this topic:
i just saw a tv-movie in which some US-soldiers in Kuwait (how do you spell this in English?) were stepping around some pieces of SCUD-rockets that were - if you believe the media - launched by the Iraq with the US-troops in Kuwait as a target. As the USA said, they were analysing these rocket-pieces to search for biological or chemical substances attached to them. You may think: What’s the point? The point is, that these soldiers wore normal army-clothing. Do you think that this is the right clothing to wear while analysing potential hazardous chemical substances? Don’t you think they should were some special clothes and gas-masks to protect themselves from these substances? Some Iraqi minister said after he heard of those SCUD-rockets: “Iraq does not posses such SCUD-rockets.”
I just want to pronounce that there is a possibility that these rockets were just put there by the USA to say the world: “Look, they are attacking us. Now it’s our right to attack them back.”

Another thing I would like to lose some words about:

Did you ever hear about what the USA did to start the first war on Iraq in the 90s? They invented a story saying that Iraqi soldiers got into a hospital in Kuwait and killed some new-born children. As a proof they interviewed a witness who sweared to have seen it. Do you know who this witness later prooved to be? It was the daughter of the US-ambassador in Kuwait. Don’t you think this is curious?

I’m pretty sure these attacks are a lot more accurate and calculated than you think. The missles aren’t just being flinged aimlessly all around Baghdad. Smart bombs allow the military to blow up complexes with amazing accuracy while leaving nearby buildings untouched. However, it is very difficult to predict civilian casualties. I don’t have an accurate guess and doubt you do either. We’ll just have to see what the statistics bring up.

So would you like the government to cut back on this technology? And I’m sure you have no supporting evidence of your ‘quality of life for the people’ argument unless you actually have statistics from the U.S. budget and budgets of other countries to back it up.

I’m not sure what you mean by convenient. You mean it’s convenient for America because if large civilian casualties occur, the government can say “It’s not our fault, Saddam purposely killed his own civilians” thus taking the heat off of them? I doubt it. Like you just said, you’d still blame America and so will a lot of people. Hell, Kim Jong Il could run out into the streets and start killing his own people and America would get blamed. (By the way, clever spelling on ‘Amerikkka’ implying that the country of America is racist and making yourself look very inexpert.)