sometimes i’ll have a dream, or usually, be in some sort of process of not quite dreaming yet… and i’ll start laughing, and the laughter will echo in my head like, thousands and thousands of people laughing… sometimes i won’t be able to stop laughing… i’ll be in hysterics, sometimes falling to the dream floor (if i’m in a dream) and…
it feels like it isn’t me that is doing the laughing… like i find something marginally funny enough to briefly laugh but then it just goes on auto-pilot.
it’s really weird… it has something to do with falling asleep…
I remember when I had surgery, the nurses told me I laughed a lot while I was under sleeping gas, but I thought they were lying to me and refused to believe it (as a kid, you aren’t go to believe you did something if you don’t remember it)…
I don’t know… I don’t really understand it… sometimes something that isn’t very funny gets into my head while I’m falling asleep, and I’ll start automatically laughing, I don’t want to laugh, becuase it keeps me from falling asleep, but I can’t help it.
In a dream I had last night, which was kind of a WILD… I imagined a woman in my room, felt her presence, which started the process of me entering a dream… and I’m not sure what kind of perspective I had, becuase it felt first person, but I kind of remember it in third person.
But I had my back to the tv, facing toward my pillow… and someone appeared and stabbed me in the back, and at first it scared me… but I realized it was a dream… I think it partially woke me up, then I went back, got stabbed again… and the laughing started… I think I fell to the floor.
One time I had an OBE and did the same thing, fell to the floor laughing uncontrollably, it almost didn’t feel like I was doing it… and I was asking my subconscious if it likes to laugh… it said yes.
Have any of you gone through anything like this? It usually isn’t an enjoyable laughter, like I am laughing… it’s like something else is laughing through me.