Unexpected side effect - WILD attempts

Up until now, I haven’t had much interest in the WILD techniques. Just seemed a bit too hard to me, when I seemed to be doing ok using DILD from WBTB. Well, last night, I woke up about 4 as usual, and instead of just going back to sleep, I decided to give WILD a shot – what could it hurt :grin: . I didn’t induce a lucid dream from waking, BUT, I laid there a long time just relaxing into the bed and feeling my body go numb, and noticing sensations and pulses of colors and once got a vibration in my wrist. It was all so fascinating and VERY meditative – like self-hypnosis. I’ve always gotten antsy trying to meditate but have always wanted to improve, and using the WILD tips created what felt very meditative state to me. (Being somewhat sleepy didn’t hurt here, I’m sure) AND, I did get a short lucid after going to sleep. It was dream induced, but that’s ok.
I decided to try it again today with a nap. I experimented with it and played with it, and just laid there taking in the various sensations and watching random thoughts come up and dissipate, and when they would dissipate, I would feel a sinking into my chest, and I’d sometimes see flashes of light. My body felt numb, yet I could still feel where it was starting to ache and it made me more aware of it even though it felt numb. I thought I was fully awake, but when I felt something say it was time to get up, I opened my eyes, looked at the clock and realized I’d been laying there an hour and a half! Once I got up, and thought back on it, it felt like it was somewhere between and wake and sleep.
Experimenting with this has been an awesome experience – very peaceful. It has been worth it even if it never actually induces a LD. I think from now on, I’m just going to practice this as a meditation technique, and if I happen to induce a WILD, that’ll be wonderful, but if I don’t, that’s ok too.

I can totally relate with your experiences here. I’ve never had much luck with inducing WILDs, having only successfully had 3 (and one of them was inside a dream so probably doesn’t even count haha). Despite my lack of success, I do give them a shot from time to time, and I have to say, the processes your body/mind goes through the during the pre-dream WILD stages are quite fun in themselves! So even if I don’t enter a dream world, it is still always an enjoyable time :smile:

I love reading about this kind of experiences and before commenting more I have to say that I believe you will come a long way, just do what you do, experiment like you already do and WILD will become a pretty much easy technique.

I was the same way like you are. Today 2/3 of my LD’s are WILD. I started with at the time “simpler”, “easier” techniques for beginners. When I was satisfied with results I give a try to WILD just like you did, from pure curiosity and having a lot of free time. At first I would experience HH - sounds, images, body sensations and such. I was really enjoying in those sensations, they are something… But after some time this didn’t satisfied me any more and I wanted to actually become lucid using WILD.

Then problems started, I don’t wanna say you doing anything wrong but I was too laying in bed for an hour just experiencing HH’s going back and forth. After some more experimenting and taking illogical steps I finally did succeed. Then at the moment I didn’t know if it was just luck or actual success. After few more nights doing the same steps and succeeding I knew I finally learn how to WILD.

We can always go faster, stronger, better but that’s on us to achieve.

Good luck! :content: