Okay 1 question in my mind that’s been bothering me for a very long time. And I’ll try to keep it really simple.
Okay, pretend you’re having a LD and you decide that you want to talk to a famous supermodel that your friend just told you about today. You’ve only seen pictures of the model, but in your dream you can hear her voice. When you wake up you check out an interview that a news group did with that model and she sounded exactly the same as she sounded like in the dream.
Another example is a kiss while your in a LD. You kiss someone in your dream and then you kiss someone while your awake, figuring out that both of them feel exactly the same.
That might not make sense, but basically I’m asking, can you experience something in your dream that you had no idea about before you experience it in real life?
Good question, has anyone had those kind of experiences before? I haven’t but I believe it’s possible, but I don’t know if it can be explained without getting into a mystical discussion on the subconscious mind…
Well, for me, I’ve had lots of kisses in Dreams(Ld’s) but never actually had one in waking life…
I guess I won’t really know until I actually have a real kiss
Maybe the brain assumes what a kiss feels like when we watch TV and enacts what we imagine during those times, thus creating a unexperienced experienced kiss . . .
You can experiance something in dreams, and recieve realistic effects. Odds are, however, that they will be less then realistic. It depends on how strong your fantisy (and perhaps subconcious knolowdge) is on the subject.
An additional question: would you get realistic effects on someting your body can natuarally do (without other objects or people) but has never done before, such as singing? (bad example, I know, everyone has sang before, including me)
Interesting subject. I think if no one ever sung and tried to achieve something in their dreams, that he can’t know from TV, friend etc. then it will be something different / coincidence if it’s the same. Or your body can somehow get the information.
I can answer this, I had oral sex and normal sex in LD’s when I was virgin and never knew how it really felt.
Normal sex was just bad… like didnt feel right at all but oral was pretty good. I think it was because everyone has once put finger in their mouth or a toe? ;D but I guess its easy to mimic the sensation down there if you have got one of your body parts into your mouth before.
But after I lost my virginity had oral and normal sex the lucid sex got like 10000000% better. Oral felt even better and the normal dream sex was even better than sex IRL. So to sum it up. You can do the things and your subc will try to make it happen, with good or bad results. But to make it realistic as IRL you need to have IRL experience on the field or atleast thats how it seems to me.
I think that topic has gone bit other that question was…
In lucid dream voice of that star would be propably voice that you dont remember, but heard. Like you had turned on TV, but you was concentrated on something else. Voice have been “writed” in your brain, but you dont rember that voice. Because you didnt cared about that you cant find that one voice in all voices you heard in your life.
so essencional:
If You Didnt experienced thing you want to do, In LD you will feel like you expect that it will be. Or thing will be taken from memories.
That’s probably a good point deadduck, in some ways we may have never heard or experienced something before simply because we don’t what information our subconscious has absorbed all throughout the day, the voice might’ve been heard in the background or on a radio and you just didn’t recognize it as the actress’s or whoever.
As far as things like sex go for example, i’ve only had one dream where i had this and i wasn’t lucid, it didn’t do much for me, all that happened was I climbed in bed and everything blacked out. So I think the imagination just does what it can to fill in the difference where experience lacks, but it probably just tries to stimulate something it doesn’t know, so falls short of what it’d be in real life.
If your in a LD and you try to do anything that you’ve never experienced before, your brain will try to fill the things you don’t know about in and make it feel how you expected it to feel before (because that’s how you thought it would be)?
Thanks Shikihi, errr thanks a lot for losing your virginity and confirming . . . yeah . .
i think the best example is flying. no one ever has flown before. for me, there are two types of flying. floating, sort of like if you were in water (i say that because i beileve thats where i got the idea for floating around) but in the air instead.
the other way i have flown in LDs is super fast, like on the freeway or rapid transit or a rollercoaster.
And about flying I think everyone has swimmed and everyone has jumped. SO basicly flying is like extended jump or swimming in the air or something else similiar to that. And fast speed flying the feel of it could be easily mimicked from driving car or motorbike actually I think driving motorbike a bit without helmet would help providing very realistic flying sensation, like feel the wind on your face on high speeds. Or go into a car and stick your head out the window could help too ;D And super fast could be from riding train, since the view you see from windows pass by fastly it could be easily taken to your dreams and added to flying.
I think every unexperienced experience builds up like this, from something else you have experienced.