
exactly Sandra, and guess who voted last
<-------he did that

i thought the unigons where on the verge of extinction due to deforestation…

where does it say that Unigons live in forests?

well, i’ve been to a country somewhere, and the unigons are almost extinct there due to deforestation. :roll:

ok, I don’t think they are extinct maybe they just moved to some other places to live since it’s very hard to kill a Unigon since it’s magical,

Unigons usually lives in the treetops like birds (Unigons are a type of bird*)

and when they can’t live in the trees anymore the fly off to find other places like chimneys** or high up in the mountains, the can practically live anywhere as long as their nest is atleast 10 meters above the ground

*very large type but still a bird

**It’s unigons that help Santa Claus at christmas

I’ve voted “No” cause I wanted to vote “Yes”. Is it another supernatural power of the Unigons? :bored:

I completely agree. For instance, they are lots of unigons nests on the top of the Eiffel Tower, though people can not see them cause they are invisible nor touch them cause they are impalbable nor hear them cause they fly without a noise. They can’t even know they are there because of a protective telepathic force field.

/me has never posted in this topic before.

Apparently the Unigons were late when they told me to bump this topic. :roll:

Now, will I ever meet a Unigon in my dreams? :grin:

I have a strange urge to bump this thread.

Anyway, I dreamt I was a unigon last night. It was wierd… After that I had a real LD.

Sweet, Wyv! :cool_laugh:

The other day I FINALLY had a Unigon dream… It was awesome. I’m so freakin’ lazy with writing dreams though, so it’ll be up in a while. :tongue:

Two Unigons in a few days! It’s very strange! It’s probably a sign. I’ll search into my grimoires what it means. :read:

Do Unigon have special names?

Do they have religion-based names?

What do Unigons think about global warming?

Ah, of course; we need to keep asking questions, don’t we?

What do unigons think of Conan O’Brien? :grin:

Yes, sooner or later all dreams about them

search in this topic and you find the names, of some unigons.

remember they’re individuals so they have differing opinions

BB: yes you have to keep asking questions

see first answer in this post, I’ve sure some unigons have an Conan fan-club, maybe someday an unigon will bring conan O’brien to your dream

I don’t think she needs unigons for that … but taking him out of her dreams is a different matter :tongue:

can unigons make people forget unigons exist?
/me thinks they can … because members have forgotten about this topic :eh:

I haven’t posted here before… Can I have a unigon dream?! :bambi:
I wish I could see a picture! I don’t know much a bout unigons, but I’m an expert at hippogriffs (horses-eagles). I have one that I see in every dream I have, lucid or not, his name is Zarock!!
Hippogriffs are like horses with feathers all over their body and the head of an eagle. They have extriemely stronge magic powers, but they can’t really help you become lucid and most of their powers are for fighting.
Go unigons and hippogriffs!! :cheer:

PS: you can now ask questions about hippogriffs too!! :content:

Yes, a Unigon will come to you if you want to dream about it, some members of this forum had unigon dreams, try to search for unigon on the DD-section and you might find the dreams

The hippogriffs, got a topic for themselves :wink: