Until Further Notice, Goodbye

Yes, yes, I know I haven’t posted much in the last (insert long period of time) but I’m am going to OFFICIALLY proclaim my abscence. Anyway…If you don’t know me, I’m Verek, and I’ve been here for about a year and a half, giving advice, my views on the world, being bitter at various things, etc. I suppose that makes me one of the last of the originals, and in a way, I’m adding my name to the list of people that seem to have left in the last year and a half. All the big names seem to have gone, whether by will, or by tragedy, among these, I list DavemanUK, and Keith, inparticular.

Dave…where’ve you been? Why’d you go? Are you still lurking out there somewhere? Who knows…

Keith…you will be missed by those who knew you. You were a big part of this forum up until the day you died, at which point, part of the forum died, in my opinion.

Forgive me if you consider yourself one of the big names of the forum, I’m just mentioning those who had the biggest influences on me, and seemed to on the rest of the forum as well. I hope, that if I go completely, I will be remembered the same as the two aforementioned gentlemen, if not, hey, that’s fine with me.

I will still frequent the chatroom, if you were wondering, but as of now, I am leaving the forum, until I decide to come back, if I do at all. I’m just tired of clicking through the forums, looking for something worth reading, and I’m sure many of you feel the same way. If you think I’m a jerk, go ahead and tell me, I don’t mind, you’re probably right.

So, I’m leaving, good-bye, take care of yourself, don’t do drugs, etc.


Yeah, I know I haven’t posted much in the last few weeks, but I just felt it would be appropriate to come out and tell everyone that I’m leaving the forum, until I decide to come back, if I do. For those of you who are saying to yourselves, “Who the hell is this guy?” I’m gonna tell you. I’m Verek, I’ve been here for about a year and a half, and some have even hazarded to call me a master of the art of Lucid Dreaming both in theory and in practice. I think I just have a lot of mental problems…anyway, I hope that I’m adding my name to the list of the influential people who have left, if not, hey, that’s fine too.

I’d just like to take a moment and talk about those who have left:

DavemanUK, considered by most/all to be the premier expert of the community, and a really great and helpful guy. Where’d he go? Has anyone heard from him? I haven’t seen him in a very long time…

Keith…Man, what can I say about Keith? Not only was he an expert on lucid dreams, he was a really great guy as well, I considered him to be a huge part of this community up until the day he died…a part of it died with him…he will be missed.

There are others, but those are just two who I felt deserved some recognition at this point. Feel free to add others to the thread, feel free to badmouth me as well, I don’t mind…

As for the reason for my departure…well, I’m just tired of sifting through the threads in search of something worth reading. I’ll still frequent the chatroom, but I am now officially GONE from the forum, as in no more posts…until I feel like coming back. This thread is open to anything, feel free to say anything about me that you wish, I don’t really mind, any attacks on my character are probably true…heh.

So, that’s it, huh? A Year and a Half, and I’m gone…well…don’t do drugs, keep dreaming, be excellent to each other, and try to remember me fondly. If not…hey, that’s your problem, not mine.


(The above is the sole property of Verek, so do not be afraid if there is anything irrelevant/mean/bitter/etc in it.)

Moved from “the Quest for Lucidity”

Good-luck on the quest for mental peace. :smile:

I know who you are. Well byebye and hope to see you back.

damn…well good luck and I hope you find peace…does this mean you wont be on the chat room no more?..hmm i guess not…

Hey Verek, Your fun to talk to. I hope you feel better later on. It’d be cool if you could still hang around, post a few, read a few, go into the chat every so often. Its great to have this forum to come to when your depressed, bored, happy, its just great. Oh, dont worry about the posts being interesting or not, hehe, im posting my surreal dreams in the dream diary section again, lol, only good ones though! :happy:
Verek, you seem kind of depressed, Please forgive me if im wrong. I get depressed alot, and i completely loose interest in things, You just seem to sound like me when im goin off about stuff, just typing, just rambling, just giving up… Anyway, if its that your goin through a bad time or somthing, I hope it passes, so we’ll have good old Verek back, heh, good times, lol…

See ya

Well, this is my first post on the new forum, and I am just here at the moment to say I’m sad to see Verek go. :frowning:

I’ll miss you, and wish you wellness and peace.

I miss Dave, too, but hey, life happens, and sometimes people have to move on.

As far as Keith… please forgive my impertinence, but keith is dead!!! Oh man, I didn’t know!! Now my day is totally ruined! Keith was such a cool person, and I guess I wasn’t here when his death was announced… or was it?

Anyway, I can’t describe my sorrow right now… so I won’t try.

All you guys who know me, please know you’ve enriched my life and I’ll be here as long as I can… probably more to my benefit than yours.
