Unvivid, weak LD :(

Yesterday I had an LD. I rubbed my hands to increase lucidity, but it didn’t work! :eek:
I tried summoning a DC by expecting it to be behind me. I really believed it would be there, but it wasn’t :cry:
Can anyone help me? If someone has the same problem, then please, do post…

I shouted ‘increase lucidity’ once because i read somebody did it on here and it had no effect.

I can only suggest try other things until you find something that works for you

Yeah, I saw that someone had tried that, but apparently it doesn’t really work, and I am scared of screaming IRL.
I know SP normally prevents you from screaming IRL, but what if you come awake while you’re screaming?! All in all, I don’t think that’s a good technique.
Just ate 2 bananas for vitamin B6 and 3 slices of cheese for tryptothan. Hope it works!

Just retook 1 banana and 3 slices of cheese. I hope I will have a good recall, with vivid dreams and, perhaps, lucid dreams :cool: :woo:
Goodnight everyone!

Same thing here…I tried shouting it, but it had no effect. Only worked one time, but only for a few minutes

The fear of screaming IRL is half the reason shouting works in a LD. If you can do something like that without a negative consequence, it’s that much easier to fully convince yourself you’re dreaming. The best way to make a LD vivid is to do things you fear doing IRL. Jump out a window (I am NOT condoning doing this unless you’re absolutely positive you’re dreaming), shout loudly, walk through a window, try to jump over 10 feet, whatever. If it breaks the rules of what you’d do in reality, it will make the dream that much easier to remember the next day.

Lots of people find spinning a good solution. It can sometimes result in a new dreamscape, so it helps to renew attention and clarify the dream.

I cover or pinch my nose to guarantee lucidity and it seems to make me a bit more concrete in the dream.

Also, picking up sand and rubbing it between your hands seems to work if you’re in that kind of area.

Many times when I’m LDing (Almost half of them)
I can feel the dream wavering. I can feel control slipping, so I just focus on the dream. I don’t use any dream powers or do anything that I wouldn’t normally be able to do because it seems to make me wake up.

I just sorta stand still, focus on the dream, and if I can, touch the walls or items in the dream until it stabilizes. then I do whatever I want.

I say (in my dream outloud)" this is a dream I have complete control" I sort of remind myself

Writing this at four in the morning

The idea is to just make yourself part of the dream. That is why those techniques work.

Ya I said increase lucidity and I felt the dream vibrating and it was really intense. :nuu:

lucidity pill works. just act like taking a pill that increases lucidity ^^

The slightest bit of doubt can affect you.

I’ve tried everything. Removing the blurry thing over my eyes, adjusting the “dream focus dials”, shouting, rubbing hands, holding onto something. Nothing works for me.

Sadly if you’ve decided nothing works for you, then it’s over. You can’t have that doubt if you want it to work.

All things in dreams are proportionate to the importance you give them, so have you tried just ignoring it, and going on with the dream, and more importantly, enjoying it? Remember that you can have a good time under any circumstances, plus you’ll probably forget about the problem after a while and you’ll be in a great, vivid LD ^^

Well then you’re just inexperienced. The more LDs you have the more clear and more control of them you’ll have

If you write down the experiences you had during your first few LDs and begin to experiment with other techniques for vivid lucidity, you may then find the one thats best for you you, or you can basically develop your own personal technique;

In my first LD (3 secs) i literally screamed “im dreaming!” :woo: that obviously woke myself up and during that experience, i began to use auto suggestion and tell my brain before sleeping to “Stay calm during an LD” which seemed to work for me. :grin:

Maybe duringn your next LD you can ask your SC which technique is right for you?

good luck!! :content: :content: