As a kid, I frequently realised that I was in a dream. This would almost occur three times a night because I constantly had nightmares. I first figured out how to end the dream (basically give up running or jump in the ocean and drown, or continue flying up until the dream ended or jumping of a cliff).
I was also able to control what I wanted to dream through visualisation, but these dreams weren’t lucid. I just got to dream something that I wanted to do, e.g. flying. I also had great dream recall.
Nowadays, my amount of dream awareness has greatly dwindled. q.q I tried to recover it through LDing, but this effect also seems to have waned.
The first time I actually LD’ed was reading the wikibooks article about LDing. I LD’ed the first day I read about it. I dreamed I was reading the article and had an LD. But I woke up because I couldn’t remember to spin/rub hands. That night I LD’ed a second time and created a nice sky, and started flying except I forgot I was LDing despite repeating ‘I’m in a dream’ and fell into regular sleep. The third time, I tripped over something in my dream world and it faded despite me rubbing my hands.
Now I’ve been having a lot of difficulty with all kinds of LDs. I’m attempting WILD. I fall asleep then wake up at about 6 AM. Then I try to concentrate on the imagery, I get the flashes sometimes a bit of sound and illogical mind speaking. I feel that humming/paralyzing sort of feeling and think I can see something. But then my conscious mind keeps intruding, or realise it’s because my eyes are partially open or fall asleep normally. It’s a bit difficult to explain. I don’t get lost in the imagery but rather my attention is diverted away from it and my dreams get very conceptual. Like I’m not getting any visuals but I understand straight away what happens/should be happening. q.q Every time I fall asleep normally, I wake up straight away like there has just been a lapse in time if I’m trying to LD.
Also, it’s like whenever I want to LD I can’t get it, but if I don’t try to get it sometimes I get a semi LD from DILD that just seems to frustrate me. Any tips? q.q
And also, I got into an LD recently… I think MILD? I landed from flying. But then I woke up straight away… the dream didn’t even fade. I wasn’t able to extend it via any techniques. Is this normal?