Urghh, Lucid Dreams

:cry: As a kid, I frequently realised that I was in a dream. This would almost occur three times a night because I constantly had nightmares. I first figured out how to end the dream (basically give up running or jump in the ocean and drown, or continue flying up until the dream ended or jumping of a cliff).

I was also able to control what I wanted to dream through visualisation, but these dreams weren’t lucid. I just got to dream something that I wanted to do, e.g. flying. I also had great dream recall.

Nowadays, my amount of dream awareness has greatly dwindled. q.q I tried to recover it through LDing, but this effect also seems to have waned.

The first time I actually LD’ed was reading the wikibooks article about LDing. I LD’ed the first day I read about it. I dreamed I was reading the article and had an LD. But I woke up because I couldn’t remember to spin/rub hands. That night I LD’ed a second time and created a nice sky, and started flying except I forgot I was LDing despite repeating ‘I’m in a dream’ and fell into regular sleep. The third time, I tripped over something in my dream world and it faded despite me rubbing my hands.

Now I’ve been having a lot of difficulty with all kinds of LDs. I’m attempting WILD. I fall asleep then wake up at about 6 AM. Then I try to concentrate on the imagery, I get the flashes sometimes a bit of sound and illogical mind speaking. I feel that humming/paralyzing sort of feeling and think I can see something. But then my conscious mind keeps intruding, or realise it’s because my eyes are partially open or fall asleep normally. It’s a bit difficult to explain. I don’t get lost in the imagery but rather my attention is diverted away from it and my dreams get very conceptual. Like I’m not getting any visuals but I understand straight away what happens/should be happening. q.q Every time I fall asleep normally, I wake up straight away like there has just been a lapse in time if I’m trying to LD.

Also, it’s like whenever I want to LD I can’t get it, but if I don’t try to get it sometimes I get a semi LD from DILD that just seems to frustrate me. Any tips? q.q

And also, I got into an LD recently… I think MILD? I landed from flying. But then I woke up straight away… the dream didn’t even fade. I wasn’t able to extend it via any techniques. Is this normal?

all of that stuff happens to me. it’s majorly annoying. i tried almost any technique that exists, but nothing really works. it’s like you try and nothing happens, but you get a LD like one time in one or two months and you completely don’t know why and it’s so damn annoying. arrrrgghhhh.
anyway, i understand you so well :meh:

I also understand where you’re coming from. A few times when I was little I’d realize I was in one of my recurring nightmares and then wake myself up. Then, when I was around 10 or 12 or so, I read about LDs in a Reader’s Digest and kept a DJ on and off. I didn’t really have any way to induce them, so I’d just keep a dream journal and think that the LDs would come if they wanted to. They did, every so often.

Also, over the years, I’ve always had powers and such in my NLDs, quite often flying. Flying is something that’s very natural for me and could even be called a reflex.

Most of my LDs are low lucidness and low awareness, though I have had a few higher lucidity ones. Generally, to work on that problem, I set my intention to be more aware when I realize that it’s a dream, but it doesn’t always happen. I never remember (or bother) to do dream stabilizing things such as hand rubbing or spinning, since I’ve tried before and it didn’t do much for me personally.

There are some dreams for me in which I’m barely lucid, and I really have no way to improve those if my mind doesn’t go much farther than “Oh cool, it’s a dream, now let’s keep going along while thinking it’s a dream.” I mostly aim for the dreams where I’m aware enough to think of my goals and plans.

I’m not exactly sure what my rambling was doing or what my point was, and my mind just blanked… Well, I hope this helps somehow. Guess it’s always good to get my thoughts down before I forget them… :silent: