USA = Only Superpower?

Russia is broken you can’t deny it. Maybe in the distant future but right now no. You don’t need a military to be a superpower. Having veto power in the UN practicly makes you a superpower (via the diffinition “can affect major worldwide events”)

India can be a potent superpower in the new future.
Large pop. Good Mil. Unity.
The only thing keeping them from taking Asia is Pakistan, a bitter enemy right next to them.
Thailand is growing well, too, and we’re giving them money. They have some technology we won’t get for a few years, and they rely on speed, availability, geurilla warfare, etc.
We are seriously overlooking the threat of war in Central Asia.

i heard from someone that China is now having their kindergarden students and the others having their first part of the day in chinese and the second part in american.

That’s interesting, because Orson Scott Card has written a series involving that kind of scenario, starting with “Ender’s Shadow.” Basically, if someone has the charismatic ability to make a peace treaty with Pakistan and India, which is :lol:, then both central asia AND the middle east are in deep trouble.

you mean english. :tongue:

yeah, i think there are general world super powers, but only very generally.
i’m not sure this cartoon is relavent, but it gave me a good laugh: how americans see the world

Great minds think alike, I suppose. :grin:
Maybe I should read those. Sounds like some good books, already.
But, yeah, India has great unity, and the small factions of Islams probably will Help them take Asia.
America, could seriously be in deep crud very, very soon.

They’re great books, set in the future thought the exact time isn’t mentioned. Basically, according to Card, the USA has receded from world politics to focus on expanding corporations into space. And the UN is literally a joke, long dead, and Europe is basically neutral. Then this one guy, trying to gain his own power, sets up wars between nations. He messes around with Asian politics and once India and Pakistan agree to peace, Pakistan ravages the Middle East. India is taunted into a set-up war with south-east Asia, which is intended to be a military and economic drain, so they’re weakened enough for China to take over both areas.

In a nutshell it sounds kind of complicated… :shy: but it’s spread out over 4 books so it’s manageable.

And, of course, these scenarios occur after the USA has warred so much in the holy lands that they’re radioactive and inhospitable. So, with no holy lands to fight over, there’s a new Muslim caliphate and empire, which is of course warring with Pakistan.

OK, back on topic. :tongue: These books are suggesting Asian nations will play an ever more important role in future world politics, and I share this opinion.

The United States is in the process of “dumbing down” its inhabitants, through a ridiculously idiotic media … and cuts in funding for education. As a result, they will have no one to fill the ranks of the workers who need to be cutting edge and well-educated in order for this “superpower” to maintain its superiority. Look how much other countries are investing in education right now, and how little the U.S. is…

I’m certain I’ve heard the U.S have 2600 more nukes than anyone else. Ironically it would only take about 8 going off the screw the world over for good.

Jester: Wikipedia doesn’t think so :tongue:

heh. Not to sound insulting or anything, but i’m pretty sure the “2600 more then everyone else” figure came from a popular, old flash cartoon called “The end of ze World”

:confused:hrugs: i dunno, i coulda sworn… :3

ha Now that you mention yea, I do remember that cartoon yep I’m wrong lol :content:

Just on a side note you kinda shouldn’t believe everything on wikipedia anyways, anyone can post information. I just use it for maybe slang i haven’t heard before or something. :peek:

Jester: don’t worry, I wasn’t trusting Wikipedia on the blind for this one; I had History classes and Giorgio Agamben (contemporary philosopher) as back up, I just tend to prefer arguments I can show you to arguments I can refer you to. :wink:

doesn’t matter there is enough tracked nukes to blow the world up 3 times. The Nukes Russia lost track of could easily be double what we have penned up in silos

That’s quite alright heh heh.

nukes don’t make superpowers, until we start blackmailing each other :tongue: