Using a computer while lucid dreaming

I have dreamed twice about me using my computer while lucid. The first time I only stared at its screen, it was a website that I commonly visited and I was able to read its content, but the second time I dreamed being infront of my PC, I’ve managed to open/close/minimize windows and actually browse the internet (I lost lucidity when I attempted that)

So the idea behind this is to challenge you guys to try out the same thing in your LD. Imagine browsing your dream internet :smile: What could possibly be there?

I’ve gotten on LD4all in LD once and created a new topic saying “I’m dreaming!”, but I woke up before I could see any replies. Other than that I tend to find it hard to type (maybe specially in ND’s), sometimes what I’ve typed chages a bit and I can’t hit the right keys.

Being on a computer gave me my first proper LD. I was playing a game and I thought wait I’m not playing this I’m in bed and boom lucidity

I’ll definitely try that. I got lucid once when I was playing some sort of old fps game and I could kinda see the edge of the screen, but when I tried to look away from the screen I couldn’t. I couldn’t see the keyboard or myself at all. I would just move my head in the game.

I have gotten on my phone and my laptop when lucid before. Everything was… similar. for instance:
I was trying to remember what the place looked like that I wanted to teleport to once and I pulled up my phone. It was on Cthuu-tube and I searched it on there, since it didn’t work I went to the place we all know, and Cthuugle popped up. My mind made the connections of H. P. Lovecraft and dreams without me even trying.

I think that the use of technology in dreams can give us a wider range of control than anything. Just think about all the superhuman things we do in our lives every day without even thinking about it. Using some form of technology in a dream is a fun way for dream control. :smile:

Everything changes if I look away for half a sec. It gets frustrating. And it doesn’t follow any programming so things don’t do what they should do, normally. I’d rather watch dream TV. I don’t have to try to control it. Then again, there is a whole dream world surrounding the machine, and sitting still can be a challenge in a dream.

If you believe that the dream will be unstable and random, it will be. If you believe that dreams are stable and continuous they will be. The best way is when you are in a dream, you say or think to yourself “This is real”.

I think I did once. I was on google, and for some reason I entered the word “yes.” all that came up were images of people screaming. :eek:

I also had only one dream with using computer and it was lucid. I was at my friends house and I was on a computer browsing something on the net, I really can’t remember what it was. Everything was stable as it should be in a LD. Later on I used it for showing a friend how dream works, better to say how lucid dream works. I made text to go unstable and showed him other tricks regarding lucidity…

Although I did spent a lot of time on computer back in the time when I had this dream it was really the only one at least that I can remember…

I’ve never had an LD where I used a computer, but for a while a recurring theme of “bad” NDs (they weren’t exactly nightmares but they were pretty distressing!) was of getting a computer virus or breaking my computer. Oddly enough, my dream computers rarely seem to run Windows, even running a green-themed OS called ‘Recovery’ that looked a bit like OS/2 at one point.