Using a hand to go lucid lokking for a little help

Something I do is draw a letter on my hand and look at it constantly to remind my self to ask that question"am i awake or dreaming" ten to fifteen times a day
I’ve been dreaming for about ten months and i’ve taken about two breaks in between,lasting about two weeks each, i’ve only had four lucid dreams and i’ve been triing to figure out a way to have more dreams using that hand technique thing just wandering if anyone had any thoughts :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :cry: :cry:

i suggest a diff technique

that letter drawn on your hand- has not much importance that ur subconcious will not plug it in ur dreams

most likely u wont see it in ur dreams -

Hi thebotanist. Were your LD’s from this hand technique? I’ve seen some other people use that tech, but I don’t remember how it worked for them. There might be a few topics about that here somewhere…

If you’re having little success with one tech you could always try a different one. Have you tried MILD or FILD or even WILD? There are also some ‘other stuff’ you can think about, like meditation, diet, sleeping schedule, that might really help too.

Best of luck! :smile: