Using games/computer to enhance LD skills.

This is going to make me sound pretty nerdly… but I just had a great idea.

I used to play all sorts of MMORPGs (quit, thankfully) like UO, EQ, AC, etc… and I still to this day dream about them sometimes… I almost always instinviely use the same spell set ups and macros, etc…

So it got me to thinking… why not try and recreate that, while lucid?

Like for example… instead of bothering trying to conjure up lightning… I’d just imagine I have a keyboard and hit ctrl-L while looking at my target.

I thought of this, becuase lately I’ve been hitting ctrl-z in my dreams whenever I want to rewind/undo something… and it works pretty well… I don’t have a keyboard, it’s weird, I jsut kind of make my usual ctrl-z motion while thinking of “undo”

And I mean… I have so many of them routed to instinctive memory… spells from different games and stuff… alt-8 for gating… alt-6 for heal… (not that i need to heal in dream though)… but…

I could just see this as a tremendous benefit to me without having to excercise my (bad) imagination very much… I figure the spells would look cartoonish but that’s okay, as long as they worked I could polish up the realism over time.


Heh, I’ll try this. I play Diablo II LOD and Knight Online, among other offline games, and I figure it would work even if you just use a computer frequently. Anyway, I’m tired right now so I’ll keep it fresh in my mind and go to bed. :content:

hm well…

last night i tried to make a gate… it didn’t work, but i also didn’t try and recreate the action/keys to cast it… i couldn’t really remember if i had a gate macro or not (an ultima style gate, that everyone with you can go through)

but i ended up seeing those exact styles of gates in some sort of castle in the middle of town, so… it wasn’t all lost.

for transit i just taught everyone how to fly, told them to close their eyes and imagine our destination… and that we’d all end up there.

it worked.

i really need to collaborate with my friends and see if they remember doing these things with me.

okay, gating would be vas rel por… maybe just saying that and making a weird motion would do the trick.

This actually is a good idea. I’ve been picking up on it for the past few nights. As an avid gamer, my dreams reek of influences from my games. The very day I bought Unreal Tournament 2004 I had a dream involving it. Of course, it is hard to do reality checks when you are in danger of having your head blown off.

While I don’t plan on using keyboards in my dreams, I hope that I pick up on this dream-theme and use it to do reality checks during sleep.

I wonder if you could do ctr alt delete to wake up :bored:

:lmao: “Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete again to exit immediately into sleep paralysis. Otherwise…”

Nah. All ctrl+alt+delete in a dream would do is to send you into your Windows XP Dream Edition task prompt. Then you have to scroll down the list of stuff that’s running and click on your dream. Then after it terminates you get a fatal error and you have to restart your dream. This is what REALLY happens when you switch dream cycles asleep. You reboot your hard-drive (brain), your RAM is cleared of its tasks (the dream contents), and you start over!

Drat, I made myself look like a nerd again… :ack:

Ahaha. Thats funny. This happened to me last night.
MMORPG. Lineage 2. I bet it will happen tonight, too o.O

I used to play Knight Online…not as good as lineage. >.>

It’s all about the associations in your head, man. Almost everything we know is based and maintained through association.

Haha, but it’s a good idea! Like pressing ESC when things get rough.

I’ve thought about controlling myself in some game like Metal Gear Solid or Ninja Gaiden with a controller…to make things easier

if you use teh computer that much why dont you make a hot key that will make you do a RC and then you can do that inside the dream as well.

i have used these things a lot as well and i dont play many games but i have used clt z a few times, and i have used clt alt del twice before, once when i was around computers and nothing happened, the other time i used it i n my mind and i got a little window that appeared in my mind, all the normal stuff tho lol, and a few i have never seen ebfore, i wonder what you could do to your head if you much around with it lol nice pic btw

“okay, gating would be vas rel por… maybe just saying that and making a weird motion would do the trick.”

I was right… I did it… then “clicked” on the ground (with my mind) and a gate appeared, and everyone around laughed at me… I went through it and ended up in a sort of “paralell universe” (i wanted to go to one) where everything looked mexican/japanese.

and last night i was on a roller coaster which somehow defied physics and crashed, and then got rammed into by another car, this kept happening a lot, and my friend flew out at one point… so I was doing the ctrl-z thing and some guy was like “THAT DOESN’T WORK” and I’m like “oh yes it does!” and he’s like “no, it won’t work” and i’m like “watch me!” but… it didn’t really work too well… it reversed some things but didn’t b ring my friend back into his seat/back alive…

Like I said…“I bet it will happen tonight.”
It did.
My friend was a jackass in the dream. >.> This random person dropped an assasin knife and he returned it to him. A 400k weapon. Argh. I made him feel bad about it all day XD. I think im going to drop about L2 again tonight…if this becomes a normal occurrence, I need to make it a reality check. >_> Hmmmm.

holy reality well done :happy: i will def have to try that tonight for my lille travel around :happy: ty

I’ve done stuff like that in ND quite a bit. “Oh no I crashed the car” I can do a ctrl+z or ctrl+alt+delete motion with my fingers and get it undone. Your brain connects that motion to that key which causes something to happen, for example on a computer screen, so it would only make sense if you used your computer a lot (hint hint me) you could do that in a dream.

At last! I found a solution to one of my own problems. I can always remember to RC at any part of the day doing everything, but whenever I play games, I just sorta slip away into them and forget about lots of stuff including Lucid Dreaming. Since I play a lot of Final Fantasy XI, I am going to make a Reality Check macro. I’m going to make it send a tell to my own character saying “Are you dreaming?” I could probably throw in a small math problem or something so if I think about it in a dream, It will be obvious when the text messes up.

Oh and btw, that error message is priceless :cool_laugh:

One night me and my dad stayed up all night and played Command and Conquer Red alert game, through alot of the missions. I had a fairly lucid dream were I played out a couple of missions. Funny thing was is my dad had similer dreams (don’t know if they were lucid or not for him though). Just thought it was appropriate to bring up :smile:.

well im a game junkie, so i dream of them all the time :smile:
heck, i’ve even had precog dreams of games, being released several years later :cool:
had one last night, cant remember what it was about though, wasn’t to vivid…
not to many weeks ago i had a dream of Final Fantasy 7 - Advent Children, where Neo-Bahamut was hovering above the edge of a cliff or something like that…guess i’ll see if it’s true when i see the movie :content:

This is weird, I was JUST thinking about dreaming of Kingdom Hearts, I’ve been playing it to put it in my mind, then I came here and found this topic! I’m psychic!
I’ve tried it before, and it hasn’t really worked too well, anyone have any tips?
Not sure if this post was at all appropriate… but eh, I’ve typed it out now, so sorry if it is inappropriate to this topic.

copy and paste yourself loadz… like agent smith… talk to youself… :smile: