Using Lucid dreaming as a topic to get with this girl

lol, points to location 18 dances 18!!

i’m 22 what do i care about alchy ages ? :wink:

lol, you’re evil. Do you know how long it takes to get served on a Friday night for me? Last week it just didn’t happen! I couldn’t even get served for cigs last week!!! Which REALLY pissed me off. How young do I look?!

I wouldn’t know the only pic i’ve seen of you (msn profile pic) doesn’t go higher than your chest :tongue:

Not that i have a problem with that either :cool: :cool_laugh:

Only 18 for us in Alberta, but recently they’ve been wanting to change it to 19, like that would have that much of a change? All it would do is make me lighten up on drinking until July.

Excellent idea, I drank an entire bottle of rye on the last day of school then went to the beer gardens, then the bar.

Just ask for her number if you know she has a boyfriend. Even if she’s seeing someone you have a chance. Plus if she uses the line “I have a boyfriend” you can reply “Boyfriend? What does that have to do with us getting together and braiding each other’s hair?” :grin:

Drunk driving is a problem, sure, but it’s all about our stigma of alcohol… for example… DON’T DRINK, DON’T DRINK, DON’T DRINK!!! What kind of an effect does that have on kids? Smoking, smoking is way cool, until you turn 18… I mean I never wanted to smoke, but it was always really cool to hear about people smoking during school and whatnot, you know, being defiant, getting away with it… it was always cool to joke about smoking, to be like “man i could go for a smoke” but now that you’re old enough to buy the cigarettes, WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL?

Nothing… nothing is the big deal.

Kids will drink underage, now if this weren’t a crime, I’d dare venture to say a lot of them wouldn’t feel so bad about it that they try and sneak home without people finding out, etc… Why would you drive drunk? I don’t know… but you aren’t going to be in good judgement, for you you “know” you can make it home, and you don’t want to get in trouble for drinking…

But if it’s no big deal, you could just call your parents up and say “hey guys I got carried away… can you pick me up?” and they’d be like “sure” … but NO drinking is an evil activity, it has to be done in secrecy (okay obviously this only applies to some kids, other kids have their parents buy them liquor)

You know… if you have to sign up for that draft at 18, you should damn well be able to drink.

" Research from the early 1980s until the present has shown a continuous decrease in drinking and driving related variables which has parallel the nation’s, and also university students, decrease in per capita consumption. However, these declines started in 1980 before the national 1987 law which mandated states to have 21 year old alcohol purchase laws.

The decrease in drinking and driving problems are the result of many factors and not just the rise in purchase age or the decreased per capita consumption. These include: education concerning drunk driving, designated driver programs, increased seat belt and air bag usage, safer automobiles, lower speed limits, free taxi services from drinking establishments, etc. "
of course marijuana > alcohol any day, safer too…

" Boulder Police Chief Tom Koby is beginning to think that the 21- year- old drinking age may be too high.
“Who decided on 21?,” Koby asked. “We should stop to analyze, ‘Was it a good decision?’”
Now, a year into a crackdown on underage alcohol consumption, Koby believes that Boulder is ready to focus on the underlying issues of alcohol abuse.
“The problem is we’ve forgotten to teach people how to use alcohol,” Koby said. “There’s nothing fundamentally bad about alcohol.”" … 22996.html

as for the girl…

I wouldn’t really pursue her if she had a boyfriend, I wouldn’t see a point in it, and I wouldn’t want to cause a breakup…

However knowing how I am if I ran into a girl I really liked, I’d end up still being obsessed over her whether she had a b/f or not…