I took VR along with Gotu and my dreams turned extremely vivid and detailed. I actually became lucid because my higher brain functions kicked in when I realized some of the things happening in my dream were impossible in real life. I recall thinking to myself… “Cool, I’m lucid!” But before I got a chance to explore that world my phone rang and I woke up… Bummer…
I have no I deal why but when I have a vivid dream it’s always in the third person. Like I am watching a movie. Who ever said humans don’t dream in color lied!
Yeah alote of my dreams are i nthe third person. Like last night i had a dream that i was fighting of guerillas on some jungle cliffs. Then i ended up flying an airplane from one island to another, a paper airplane. I was in it and i saw it in birds eye view like i was god or something. And i dont play any video games so i dont know why it would be like that.
It is known to enhance brain power and it has a mild sedative effect. It is also very good for those who mediate. It allows you conceratrate very easily.
No itis not the same as Kola Nut and it is safe as long as you stay with in reccomend doseage. high amounts can causes giddyness and put you into a nacartic stupor.
thaspot, have you tried it sence then or have you had the effect more then once. whats the ratio of times you’ve tried it to times it has actually improved dream recall.
I was looking up valerian. But i was unable to find anywere that sold it on-line. I know that it is perscribed for insomniacs sometimes but is it posible to get it OTC.
I have been studying gotu and Valariean Root the past few months and I have found that Gotu Kola does assist in focusing and concetration. It prevents me from falling into a sound restful sleep. I wake up feeling like I haven’t got enough sleep. (same as if I take caffine right before bed) I now take Valerian Root + B12. If I want a romantic flare in my dreams I also take Damiana.