hey, in alot of my lucid dreams, i get lucid, but then everything like fades. then i am like in this area. no, its not an area because its nothing. its like all I can see is black or grey, or maybe I dont see anything at all and my mind interrpurets that as black and grey. so basically i am just there really frustrated why I am lucid, yet there is no DREAM!!! what is this thing? i once spun and got out of it, but other times it doesnt work. do u people expierience this?
I think it’s just SP. I’ve had a few LD fade on me, and I tried getting out of bed only to find myself dreaming again. How often do you get this and how long does it usually last?
Ben7…u are then lucid in a nonrem sleep stage, grey to black is above rem sleep closer to waking…real pitch black is the deep sleep…in witch u can also be lucid…but i think u are just above rem sleep closer to waking because when u are lucid in the deep sleep, it is real pitch and pitch black
no grey to c anywhere…when u do wild u can also come through these stages…
That sort of reminds me of this story in “Holographic Universe” where these two people are co hypnotized and share a dreamstate between them. When it starts it was just grey before them and then colors swirled and a beach coalesced before their eyes. The idea is that right at the beginning their consciousness had not yet created reality (one of the ideas presented in the book is that consciousness creates reality/subatomic particles/etc.)
Perhaps your mind is wiping the old clear and waiting for you to create the new scene. Have you tried just imagining a new locale or perhaps verbally commanding something to appear or solidify?
No pilot in the deep sleep stage (delta wave level) your visual cortex is of line…so u cant have visuals…i tried of course…never believe all books or research just like that…just test 4 yourself…but indeed, as much as i tried…lol…nothing could be created by association…or visualising…all stayed pitch black…
But at least u cant c anything ugly to…lol!
So this SP people talk about only happens in the pre-sleep stages then… I’ve only felt SP while dreaming, but I’d love to be able to stay conscious while in deep sleep.
Hi pilot, sp begins for some already when u got in sleep stage 1 or in a light trance, and almost all got sp in rem…so i would say more the light sleep stages yes! Rem is not deep sleep and looks much like the stage 1 of sleep…and when u dream it is of course a lot safer when u dont run with your real body when u also run in your dream to…this (sp) is all controled by the part of the brain we call the
pons, it is a part of the brain stem, our oldest part of the brain.
Well if u want to be lucid in the deep sleep u better learn how to use self hypnosis and meditation and then when u have a lucid dream just relax your dreambody and let it fall into a trance, slowly your dreambody will then dissolve by your suggestions…(u can also do it quickly)…and u will enter the deep sleep…
sounds very cool. would it then be possible to stay lucid all night like this?? you could really use that time for thinking, except you might get a bit bored…
Yes i think it is very possible to do that…and yes u could get tired of the experience after some time lol! Nothing in front of u but pitch black soundless void and no dream body to. And u have to give yourself hypnotic suggestions to stay in the deep sleep stage…or u slowly drift upwards because of your consciousness like a cork in the water and then u enter dream stage again…But indeed u got there all the thinking time of the world…lol!
Yogis claim they can stay in the deep sleep 4 days…well maybe i challenge that someday…got any thinking topics 4 me that will be interesting 4 me that long?
OOh, but then you could stay in deepsleep and everyonce in a while have a lucid dream… sounds excellent…
I find the thought of being able to sleep for 4 days very interesting… Thats what I would want to be able to do, would be excellent method to get rid of all that tiredness that stacks onto you for sleeping to little on many nights! Another way that would probably work for that is popping too many sleeping pills… but dont know how good idea that would be…
Hmmm yes it is…but not many can do this…there was 2 years ago a calling for ppl that could be lucid in the deep sleep…i was the only one who answered that i could…was on a lucid discussion forum…in the far east u got more ppl that can do this…but in the west not many…
That black void is familiar to me, just last night I was floating there, but then forced myself to wake up. Well, I didn’t wake up, but found myself in my bed. That was false awakening which resulted LD few seconds after.
Which suggests I was in that black void during rem-stage.