very annoying

the past two nights [not counting last night, the two nights before] were bothering me. :devil: it made it hard for me to fall asleep :yawn:, and i’d wake up feeling like i’d only gotten two hours of sleep. :angry:

1] when i fell asleep, it’d seem like a few minutes later, my body would give a giant twitch :hyper:, and i’d wake up as if from a nightmare. :scared: ugh, it feels weird, and happened a lot those nights. :nuu: took forever to fall asleep for good. :sleep:

2] i hear stuff. :confused: like, as i lay down, i can hear things; mostly in my left ear. :crazy: most of the time it’s just whisper-y sounds :shrug:, but sometimes, i can hear my name :scared:, or some other word, being said. :woah: and other times, it’s freakin’ music. :music: it’s so weird–even when i sit up in bed, or lay on my other side, i can still hear it.:unsure:

what’s with that? :seer:

When does the second issue occur?

EDIT: I’m asking because…
If it happens when after lying down a bit…it’s HH.
If it happens instantly, or when you are not in your bed…go see a psychiatrist :colgate:

I think its SP.

Your body might be going into SP without you actually knowing it so yeah.

Dont worry, its nothing to worry about and if these symptoms keep happening… lets say another 2-3 more weeks. Then i’d reccommend you go see your doct0r :smile:

:lol: So many illustrating smileys! I love how that is allowed here :content: :cool: :twirl:

I only wanted to say something about the first one, I have that too. I fall asleep, almost, and then have a physical shock in my body that wakes me again. I always thought it was simulair to the falling dream many people have. You wake up with also shock then, but a dream is happening at the same time, the falling dream.
But sometimes (my home made theory) it happens without that dream. Only the shock feeling in the body happens.
Why the shock happens though, I do not know.
I had both situations often in the past, sometimes the shock that went together with the falling dream and sometimes only the shock without the dream.

What you are describing here sounds like a myoclonic jerk (as opposed to a melonchonic jerk… which is a loser who is always sad! :lol:) and are quite common to happen just as we are falling asleep. They used to freak the hell out of me as I would always have a sensation of falling just before!

the sounds happen a few minutes after i lay down. :yawn: i used to think it was the neighbors, but it wasn’t. :no: it sounds like the music/whispers are coming from inside my head :devil: because they sound, like, really close to me. :hide: maybe it’s the monster under the bed. :devil: :lol: /joke

it’s happened before. :tongue: i’ve experienced it over the years, like, a couple of times every month. :clock: i used to be scared of it :scared:, but now it’s just getting old. :roll:

the smilies are the best part of every post. :lol: :lol:

and the shock does feel like it’s the end of a falling dream, but i know i wasn’t dreaming when it happened. :uh: even though i was asleep, it felt more like i was lightly asleep :yawn:, that i could be woken up very easily. :clock: i was a little bit aware of everything IWL. :look:

my mom says they happen to her a lot, so i guess it’s pretty common. :shrug:

Yeah, it’s HH.
You know, you always go through that when you attempt WILD.But still it was HH.

About the first issue…I’ve had something similar…I’ve even made a topic about that called ‘‘shockwave’’ or something like that.I was very relaxed, then I experienced…well…a shockwave.I could even see it.It was like an expanding ring.

Well, I can’t help you about that, sorry.