Very close but just not there yet

Okay, it’s been a while since I’ve been here, and I’m back into Lucid Dreaming again.
I really want to get a good grasp on it this time, and I’m busy trying various techniques.

Now lately I’ve been getting very close to lucid dreaming, so close yet I keep losing control in some way.
I start to feel conscious quite often during my dreams yet I don’t really get any farther than that, everything in the dream just continues normally, but I get there if I just keep practising, I’m sure.

Anyway, one thing that really bothers me more and more is the fact that even as weird as things can get in a dream, they don’t feel weird when I’m experiencing it.
Now I’ve been thinking about how that could be possible, and now I’m starting to doubt whether I’m not dreaming all the time.
I’m starting to confuse my waking hours with dreaming, which is really bothersome.
Even though I do RC’s every now and then I just get the idea that my brain is fooling me.
Now another thing, I noticed in alot of my dreams, my legs feel really heavy, making me crawl or seeking something to rest on all the time.
So I thought I could use that as some sort of reality test, if my legs feel heavy, I must be dreaming, like that.
So I got another dream and I was walking around my town for some reason and then I noticed my legs were feeling awfully heavy again.
Then I told myself: “Hey, this is just like in my dreams!”
And the dream continued and when I woke up I remembered it all. I could smack my head into a wall.

I really felt like sharing this, I’d love to hear about similar experiences and how I can get my mind straight.

From my own experience here are my thoughts.

Your legs getting heavy is defiantly a DS you need to focus on, the fact that you thought about dreaming after realizing your legs felt heavy means you are heading in the right direction.

This should happen to everyone, do not get to frustrated when it happens as that would probably just have a negative effect.

A good thing to remember is to not over think it, just continue doing RC’s, focus on your DS’s, and do not get upset when things may not be progressing the way you would like.

See, to me this sounds like you over thinking everything and questioning what you know and don’t know to much, just do a RC and ask yourself “How did I end up here?”. If you end up continuing to disbelieve yourself and your RC’s it won’t help once you are actually in a dream and do a RC, you might end up just standing there continuing to question if it is in fact a dream or not (I used to do that all the time before coming here for help). Even if you have to, take a couple days off then regroup your thoughts on lucid dreaming and what you want to accomplish. Good luck :smile:.

I have that same dreamsign and have only once thought about dreams when I get it. Trust me, thinking that it was just like in your dreams is a huge step. Give yourself some credit! :grin:

GeOh, after reading your post I decided to do RC’s a bit more often and different kinds, and it helps somewhat, just during the day I don’t really think about it and often forget to do any RC at all.
The thing with my legs just made me feel a bit stupid, but yeah, it’s really going in the right direction I just didn’t realise it.
Me over thinking everything is a problem I’ve been dealing with for a while now, I’ve been trying to accept some things just the way they are, but as soon as I’m just slightly confused by something I can’t keep track of my thoughts anymore, I’m actually following some sort of training to get my mind straighter.

Mattias, maybe I should, it’s just that I felt so annoyed right after it happened.
Thinking “hey this is just like in my dreams” while being in a dream sounded so horrible then but now I’ve realised it is indeed a step forward.

Last few nights haven’t been very good though, was feeling very tired and kept falling right asleep as soon as I laid down in my bed without remembering any dreams whatsoever.
I’m feeling very motivated today though, so things might change now.