Very close LD?

Well, I’m new to ld4all and lucid dreaming but I have had one before.
I have been reading up about NILD (like WILD but with a nap 2 hours after waking up)

I layed in bed and, relaxed I soon saw colours and heard sounds, my body went numb and in a way felt like it was twisting but, I just wasn’t getting any images or waypoints in.

Was that a close WILD attempt and if so, would it of worked if I done it in REM period instead of 10 am? (I woke up at 8.)


I’m not familiar with the mechanics behind the napping method of WILD, but just from description it sounds like you were experiencing some HI. This is definitely a good sign. However, if nothing happens for a while then either a.) you might be concentrating too hard or b.) you just have to wait longer. If you feel like it’s been a really long time and nothing new, then allow yourself to relax a little more. Try to be more passive and you might get deeper into the process. I would even say that it would be much better to accidentally fall asleep than to stay awake for hours.